Friday, June 22, 2018

A Friend's Wedding Reception

 Baby Alisa has so many clothes that people gave us, that she could wear a different outfit every day. We tried this cute ruffly number on her today, and those little socks that look like shoes just slay me. She has to wear socks on her hands b/c her little nails are so sharp, even though I cut her nails all the time.

 Frank was busy filling out invoices for work, so I had to sneak a picture of him. I LOVE my hard working man!

 We got cleaned up tonight and went to a wedding reception. It's nice to get dress spiffy and go out on a date every once in a while.

 Christine's son, Gage, got married and I am so proud of him. I used to babysit him when he was a little tiny guy. It's great to see the wonderful young man he's grown up to be. Christine got to meet Alisa for the first time. This was the only picture I took at the reception b/c I was too busy going around and saying hi to friends I haven't seen in a long time. The only reason I go to wedding receptions is for the cake, and this cake was AMAZING! Christine's sister, Amy, made the cake and it was super scrumptious.

Sweet Baby Aubrey turned 6 months older yesterday!

Also, a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mimi today. We'll have to party hard next year when she's here in the States and not in South Africa.

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