Saturday, August 18, 2018

Fallen Tree

 I was sitting at my computer this morning and someone posted on Facebook that it was going to be 08/18/18 at 08:18 pretty soon, so I watched the clock until it switched to the right time and snapped a picture. Kind of fun.

 Frank did some yard work and as you can see from his sock line, he got pretty dirty. I'm thankful that he doesn't mind working in the yard at all.

 A storm came through this afternoon, and I went outside to check it out, because I love storms. This was right above the house, so we watched the news & weather close to see if it was going to turn into a tornado!!! Luckily it didn't but we got a lot of strong winds.

Frank & Spencer had gone to pick up dinner. Autumn went outside to see if they were back yet and she came running inside saying we needed to go outside and see what happened. The big tree in our front yard had fallen over! I'm so thankful that it fell the way it did instead of falling into the side of the garage!!!

I guess that it had root rot, which is why it was weak enough to be blown over by the wind. I know there's all sorts of spiritual lessons in this.

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