Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tree Trimming & Swimming

 Little Bug is making so many funny faces lately. It's hard to capture them on film, but I got this one which is just too cute!

 I LOVE this Vera Bradley onesie that I got at a consignment store for $1.50! This is one I might have to keep to pass down to Autumn or Alisa when they're Mom's and have baby girls of their own.

 We stopped at Taco Bell & got Frank some lunch and went and dropped it off to him. He was working super hard trimming some tree branches and bushes and hauling them off to the dump for someone. I feel bad that he has to work so hard physically, especially when his back hurts him so much.

Autumn is not a big fan of Activity Days, b/c she thinks she's too grown up & mature for it. But she was more than happy to attend this Activity Day swim party. It's funny to see the difference in heights and growth in the girls even though they are just a year or two apart. Autumn is definitely one of the taller & more physically mature girls in the group. I'm glad she had fun!

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