Friday, September 21, 2018

Broken Fence & Alisa's Up On All Fours

 Dad sent us an email w/ some pictures. This is what he said, "today they celebrated 'heritage day' here in South Africa at the area office. They all wore their different traditional and tribal dress. I wore mine too and went as a 'cowboy' ... Dallas Cowboy. We had a lot of fun. Since I was the only 'American' or cowboy, Elder Lords volunteered me to do a line dance. It was more of a 'lame dance' but we had fun.

 Our sweet granddaughter Aubrey is 9 months old today and is just as cute as can be.

 Mom & Dad are buying this house as an investment property. Nick & Savi & Matthew will live here, b/c Mom & Dad want their own house back when they get home from their mission. Nick & Savi stopped by this morning to look at it and they sent me these pictures!!! Someone had run into their fence w/ a car.

 We called the police to come out and take a look at it & see if perhaps any of the neighbors have security footage that would show the license plate of the vehicle that did this. Well, the cops walked around the property and ended up finding a note from the person that did it. We assumed it was a drunk driver, but it was an older gentleman that was taking the curve near their house too fast and his tires slid on the slick roads. He left his number for us to call to have his insurance company pay for everything. Thank goodness!

 Since they were in the area, Savi & Matthew stopped by to say hi.

 We tried to get the 2 cousins to hug, but Alisa wasn't having it. I know they're going to be great friends when they're a little bit older and the age difference between them won't be as big of a deal.

 We had to document this, b/c Baby Girl got up on all 4's today!!! Noooooo! I remember w/ Autumn that I was so excited for her to hit all these milestones. I am still excited w/ Alisa, but I know that once she's mobile that means it's over as far as her laying there and being an easy baby to watch and take care of. 

She was so proud of herself, so even though I don't want her to be mobile we couldn't help but clap and cheer her on!

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