Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dead Car, 6 Cop Cars, and Single Adult Conference Set Up

I am beyond thankful that I get to work from home because otherwise, I would miss cherished moments like this. Alisa LOVES taking bubble baths, and Frank is so cute about piling the bubbles on top of her head.

Well, my car died again today when I was trying to pull out of the driveway. This will be the 3rd time that we've taken it to the dealership to get looked at. They can't figure out what's wrong b/c there's no check engine light that comes on. And wouldn't you know it, every time we get it up to the dealership it starts right up for them w/ no problem. I caught a ride to the dealership w/ the tow truck guy and got to drive a loaner home. It's a nice Chevy Equinox, which is a step up in size from my vehicle. It's roomier and only had 400 miles on it! NICE!

I was getting dinner ready when Grant said to come look out the window. SIX cop cars were blocking the street. We saw one officer get out of his vehicle and put on his protective gear like helmet, vest, and he grabbed his gun! Some of our neighbors were dumb and walked down to the end of the street to see what was going one. When they walked by we asked them what was up. I guess a neighbor was drunk and had threatened to kill himself and he had a gun so they had to be ready for anything. I have such a HUGE appreciation for those who put their lives on the line to keep us safe and protected.

Luckily they didn't block our driveway so I was able to get out and go to the last Single Adult Conference meeting. We've been meeting every Thursday night for MONTHS to plan this weekend and it's finally here. Marty & Ann & I have been having video chats every morning this week at 9:00 am to make sure everything came together. Tonight we started putting everything together.

We were going to have a country concert outside but the weather is wet and rainy so we had to move it into the gym. While we had the Single Adult committee there to help, we put them to work decorating. Everything looked so great and was fairly simple. Just cowboy boots w/ some flowers in them and a bandana tied around the boot.

The banner was super easy too. It was just bandanas cut in half and then they were strung together with raffia. It's crazy that all of these months of planning have finally come together and it's finally here.

It's been great to be on the committee and meet new and wonderful people. Originally the high councilman over Single Adults had reached out to me to see if Frank & I would be in charge of the whole thing. I guess we had come up b/c I was in the Single Adult program for almost 10 years. I had to tell Brody no, b/c I work full time, we have a 1-year-old, and Frank's back is a hot mess. But I told him I would help and be on the committee b/c I have such a love and deep gratitude for the Single Adult program.

It's been interesting to see the different personalities working together, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Marty was the right woman for the job b/c she's such a go-getter. My main contribution has been keeping everything organized w/ my spreadsheets and updated schedules and lists. It's been SO MUCH WORK, but it's been worth it. I'm glad our stake only has to host this once every 5 - 6 years!

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