Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Relief Society Gratitude Dinner

 I don't know what I did last night while sleeping, but I think I pulled a muscle in my back right shoulder. I woke up and it hurt so bad I could barely move it! Frank gave me a muscle relaxer to help w/ the pain and I felt as soon as it kicked in. Everything felt fuzzy around the edges and I was a little bit loopy. I kept a heating pad on my shoulder & back most of the day to see if that would help.

 Tonight was our ward's annual Relief Society gratitude dinner. Since the ward split, we had to find a new home to hold it in. Shannon moved EVERYTHING out of her living room including the big entertainment center to make room for all the tables & chairs. In the past, we've had about 50 women there. Tonight the numbers were smaller, but we still had a great time. We save our whole budget & have it catered. This year it was by Costa Vida. YUM!

 A lady that used to be in our ward before it split is crazy talented when it comes to cakes & cookies. She just started up her own business and made all of these gorgeous cookies. Almost too pretty to eat!

Usually I would stay until the very end to help clean up, but I knew that I needed to get home to my family and that the mantle has been passed to others. That was hard for me to leave, but I knew that I was doing the right thing by going home and letting that torch pass to others.

 Alisa had gotten up from a nap and Autumn had dressed her in this. I was dying at how CUTE she looked. She's like exercise Barbie.

Don't we all wish we loved ourselves this much when we look in the mirror?

It reminded me of my favorite Halloween costume when I was Exercise Barbie. I'll have to dig way                                                        back in the archives and find it and post it.

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