Saturday, February 29, 2020

Happy Leap Day!

 Cute matching grandbabies!

 We didn't really do anything special today for Leap Day. We went to dinner together to celebrate my first week at my new job. Plus, it was just nice to be together and spend more than 5 minutes eating and then everyone getting up and going their separate ways.

 Liz & her crew came over tonight to say hi since it's been a while. Alisa was so happy to have fun & energetic kids to dance with. She gets us to dance w/ her all the time, but we burn out after a couple of songs.

 Liz did Autumn's hair in a cute new way w/ a high ponytail and Autumn looked so grown up!

 As always, I'm so thankful for our friendship over the years. We've been through a lot of hi's and a lot of lows together.

Alisa was snuggling with Daddy and he put her up on his chest like he used to do when she was a little baby. She was playing w/ his face and they were both laughing and having a good time. It melts my heart to see the special bond they share.

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