Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day...NOT

This is how I had always envisioned Mother's Day when I was a kid. I couldn't wait to be a mom so my husband would fuss over me and make me feel special. Too bad that's not how my 1st Mother's Day went. Let me start at the beginning.

We had the kids over for the weekend again so Grandma Michele could spend time with them. It was lots of fun and I enjoyed having them there. However, Sunday morning we had to be up at 7:00 in order to get the kids fed, bathed, dressed, packed, and ready to leave by 8:15 so they could go to church with Mindi at 9:00. Baby Autumn decided she wanted to get up at 3:30 am and not go back to sleep until 6:30 am. So, I was super sleep deprived, and had to sleep on the couch since she and Baby Jewel were in the living room on the floor. So, I hear the alarm go off in the bedroom at 7:00. Jason rolls over and hits snooze. Then I hear it go off again at 7:15 and he turns the alarm off completely. At 7:20 I go in to tell him we need to get the kids up...nothing. At 7:25 I go in again...nothing.

So, I wake up Jewlsey, then go in and wake up the 2 boys. I get them all breakfast (Bubzy spills his cereal and milk all over the table). Then after they're done eating I get them all in the tub and give them all baths. Then I send them into the living room to get dressed. By this time Jason gets up and walks into the bathroom to get ready.

Not to mention I had bought my mom and Jason's mom cards. However, I felt bad that no one would be doing anything for Mindi, b/c the kids are too little to think of things like that. So I gave my mom's card to Jason's mom and her card to Mindi. I had the kids sign both the cards, and then I wrote in Michele's card and gave her 2 of my matching earring and necklace sets from Sam Moon's. Anyways, back to my whining.

I fix Jewlsey's hair, get her dressed, get the boys dressed, pack up all their stuff, put their dirty clothes in a sack, fold their clean clothes I had washed the night before and pack those up. By this time Jason and Michele are dressed and ready to go. I send them all out the door and take care of Baby Autumn who is crying by this point. Then when she's taken care of I vacuum the apartment, do the breakfast dishes, and go take a shower b/c I feel like the scum of the earth.

I felt much better after my shower and I even had some time to watch TV and sit and do some cross stitch. After taking the kids home, Jason and his mom both took naps. I sat and watched the baby. Then my mom called to say they were done up in Park City, and she was on her way over to visit. Jason woke up and came in to say that he and his mom would head over to Steven's. I don't know why, but I got so upset and almost burst into tears. I had wanted to spend Mother's Day with my husband. But he was leaving me alone.

So, I went in the bathroom to calm down. Too bad this is how I felt on Mother's Day instead of the first picture. My mom called to say she was at Dan's Supermarket to ask what we were going to have for dinner. She could tell I was upset and asked what was wrong. I just told her that Jason and his mom were leaving to go to Steven's. She said she wasn't going to come if it was going to make him leave me there alone, but I insisted that she come and that I could spend time with Jason whenever.

What's crappy as well is that the night before Jason was taking Steven home and called to say he would be a little bit late b/c he had to stop at WalMart to get me something for Mother's Day. He ended up bringing home some ice cream bars, which were good, but that's it. So after I come out of the bathroom from being upset, he goes to get the card but can't find it. All he has in the envelope. And he asks me if I threw away the card to make him look bad.

I about LOST IT! So, to wrap up my sad and feeling-sorry-for-myself story, it all ended up being fine. Jason hung around for a little bit to see my mom. Then Michele woke up and they left to Steven's. Mom and I had some lunch (she brought food) and then headed over to Mindi's to see the babies. That was fun for her to see them. Then we went down to Aunt Jeri's to see Jessica and her family before they headed back to Idaho. Then Jennifer and the boys came down to see Aunt Jeri and say happy birthday to Uncle Dave.

It ended up being a fine Mother's Day in that Jason was able to spend time with his mother, and I was able to spend time with mine, which was a rare and special thing that both of our mother's were here on Mother's Day. But it still would have been nice to be appreciated and hear that I'm a good mom. That it is noticed and appreciated when I clean the house, do the dishes, make the bed, etc. And by the way, I never did hear, "Happy Mother's Day" from my husband. But, I guess it's one of those things that comes along with being a sacrifice and love others more b/c of it.

So, Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there who feel unappreciated. I APPRECIATE YOU and all you do. I have a whole new appreciation for my own mother, who was the only one who did anything nice for me on Mother's Day. She is an amazing mother and means so much to me. I never realized how much work it is to be a mom. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it more than anything in the world and would not give up my baby for any amount of money. But it's nice to feel special one day out of the year. Maybe next year I can get breakfast in bed, or maybe even a card! :)



Oh Essa Wee I hope you know I love you & I think you are an amazing mom b/c you sacrafice to provide for you family and I could never do that. I hope you know you can call me anytime you need a shoulder to cry on. LOVE YA!!!

Hanah said...

Oh poor Lisa, Happy Mother's Day Dear, I'm sorry it was so horrible for you! Maybe your hubby will improve with the years, and start to understand what mother's day really means to you. My first mother's day wasn't that great either, and I think I finally had to tell my honey to tell me Happy Mother's day, but since then he has improved alot. So there still is hope. :) You are a wonderful mom, and I love to read your blog, You are an amazing woman with all you do and sacrifice!! Thank goodness for our moms! Happy Mother's Day again!!