Saturday, May 26, 2007

Our 1st Garden

Back in April they had a thing where people in the student apartments could put their name in a drawing to have a garden plot. Well, we got one, but haven't done anything with it. So today, we got up today and went right to WalMart. We bought gloves, tools, kneeling pads, and plants. Then we headed back to the apartment to plant our garden.

As you can see, it was full of weeds, but it wasn't too bad to sit and weed it. I know some of you reading this might be thinking this CAN'T possibly be the Lisa Marie Johnson Kemble I know talking about enjoying weeding, but it's true. I had a really good time weeding and getting our garden ready. These are the resons why I liked it this time:

  1. It's MINE. I don't know why, but it was just a lot easier to do it since it's mine instead of having to do it (Dad making me).
  2. It was nice and refreshing instead of sweltering. Weeding in Utah is better than weeding in Texas. It was a nice 74 degrees with a light breeze (no humidity).
  3. NO fireants, spiders, or other scary bugs.
  4. The soil was soft and nice, and the weeds came right out with a little effort.
  5. There's a sense of pride that comes along with having stewardship over and working a piece of land.

As you can see, even Baby Autumn got in on the action. She brought her watering can, bug toy, and flower toy. She was such a good baby and just sat there in her car seat and watched Jason and I weed and then plant our garden.

We planted some zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, and strawberries. This little Asian guy came over and was telling us we should plant in the evening b/c it's too hot in the middle of the day, etc. He was giving us advice on how to have a good garden. There was some lettuce looking stuff, onions, and carrots there from years past, so we left those.

As you can see, the garden looks much better after just a few hours of work. Even if we only get a few things to grow, I'll be thrilled. It's my first experience with gardening and I'm EXCITED about it...imagine that! And if nothing grows, at least we had fun doing it. I've been singing this song lately, The Prophet Said To Plant A Garden from the Primary Children's Songbook:



Charlotta-love said...

I just started a garden too. I am growing tomatoes, strawberries, squash, and beans. I'm starting little. I don't have a plot of land like you. My garden is in several buckets. It's exciting when the green buds break the surface! Yeah for gardening. (Who ever thought EITHER of us would be talking about gardens!) lol

Jeremy said...

What a great idea to plant beef jerkey. Mmmmm...Mmmmmm. Just kidding. I saw the box though and thought that's what jason was planting.

Anonymous said...

Look at little Autumn...she looks like a little Cabbage Patch baby in the garden! She's so there an Xavier autograph on her lil' bum?