Today they had a special get together at church for all the women. They did a production of the Ten Virgins by Emily Freeman. It's a musical interpretation of the story of the Ten Virgins in the Bible. It was AMAZING! I was so impressed with the talent that the 10 women had in singing and acting. It was so touching and moving to me.
The condensed version of it is these 10 women live in a small village and there is a shop keeper that lives on a hill in the village that makes oil lamps for everyone in the village. Each lamp is different to match the women who own them. The 2 stories that touched me the most were from the 2 foolish virigns that didn't get to go into the wedding of the bridegroom, b/c they weren't prepared. That should be a sign to me that there are things I need to change. The first was a woman that goes to see the shop keeper everyday while her lamp is being made but then once it's made, she doesn't go to see him. That was representative of only praying to Heavenly Father when we really need Him, but when we aren't in need, we don't check in (or pray) as often as we should. I know that is something I definitely need to improve.
The second story was of the woman who broke her lamp and had to pick up all the broken pieces and take them back to the shop keeper to fix. The woman who played that part and sang the song that went along with that story had everyone in the place crying, including me. It hit so close to home, b/c I feel like there are so many times in my life when I am careless and let my "lamp" break and then have to go to the "shop keeper" (Jesus Christ) to have Him fix the mess I've made. And He does it so lovingly and always leaves me better than I was before.
It was just what I needed to hear and feel. It was a great spiritual boost, and I loved that I was sitting in a room full of women. I thought of how we are all so different and yet we all have our own personal struggles. It never ceases to amaze me how many women seem to have it all put together and appear perfect. But they have their own problems and issues and struggles they have to deal with.
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