Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter 2008

Isn't this the best Easter presents ever? A sweet little baby girl and her cute cousin taking nice Easter pictures. What more could a mother want?

Someone in our ward stopped by to drop off these tulips from her garden. Aren't they gorgeous? Too bad mom and dad left for Utah today and won't be around to enjoy them.

This is one of the reasons that spring is my favorite season of the year. It only lasts for about 2 weeks in Texas before it turns into blazing hot summer (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little...spring lasts for 3 weeks in Texas). But there are trees all over with these GORGEOUS pink blossoms. LOVE IT!

This pink magnolia tree is right by the flag pole by the driveway. I just thought this was a pretty picture with the flag waving and the pink magnolia tree.

And I just couldn't resist putting this as one of my Easter blessings. This was Autumn last year and I can NOT even begin to believe how little she was and how much she has grown in just a short year.

I hope everyone had an amazing Easter and remembered the real reason for Easter...that Jesus Christ died for us, but also that HE LIVES. I tried teaching my Primary kids about that today (I teach the 4 year olds) and one of them said, "I don't like it when Jesus keeps getting resurrected. That stuff scares me." It made me laugh, but then we talked about how it's a good thing. I just love those little kids b/c they just say what they're thinking and it's so sweet and innocent and pure. Anyways, HAPPY EASTER TO ALL!

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