A few weeks back I did a post about things that I wish I had taken a picture of but didn't. Here's a few more to add to that list.
#1: On the way home last week I was sitting in traffic and glanced in my rear view mirror but then did a double take. The car was white and very expensive looking. Inside was a very well dressed lady with bright red manicured fingernails. She had her arm hanging out the window and in between those well manicured nails she was holding a smoking cigar! It just was surprising to me. I guess I wouldn't even have noticed if she had been smoking a thin white cigarette. But nope, she was smoking a big old brown cigar. I watched as she took a puff and blew the smoke out her window. How unlady-like!
#2: A few days ago I was driving home and was going about 40 mph. I was in the middle lane and was coming up to a busy intersection. As I approached the intersection, I noticed 2 boys about junior high school age standing on the curb waiting for the light to change so they could cross the road. In what seemed like less than a second, I saw them out of the corner of my eye step off the curb and into the street and then they jumped back onto the curb. The big SUV next to me swerved to not hit them and almost hit me. My heart started beating so fast and I felt sick to my stomach. I looked in my rear view mirror and those STUPID boys were laughing and pushing each other and probably saying how cool it was that they just did that. To them it was just a silly thing to do to prove how "cool" they were to each other. If only they knew how incredibly IDIOTIC that was. They could have easily hurt themselves or someone else. I know I sound like a ornery grandma, but I really was tempted to go back and chew them out and tell them how dumb that decision was. But I'm pretty sure they would have just laughed at me. I guess they'll learn better when they're grown ups and have kids.
#3: Today on the way home (dang, what's up with all of these things happening when I'm driving and can't get my camera fast enough to take a pic) I was in the turning lane waiting for the green arrow. I looked across the intersection and there was a car in the turn lane on that side of the street that was FILLED to the brim with crap. I'm not even kidding that there was just a little space big enough on the dashboard for the driver to look out to see to drive. The passenger side and the whole back of the car was STUFFED with magazines, clothes, trash, etc. I so wish I could have gotten my camera in time to take a picture. At first I thought how gross that was and how on earth anyone could let their car get like that. But then I remembered watching an episode of Oprah where they interviewed people who's houses and cars were like that. They are hoarders and it's a sickness that they can't let go of anything. So sad. I just want to go help them and clean their house (or car in this case) for them.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
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1 comment:
OMG I watched that Oprah episode!! that was totally amazing!! I can't believe those kids. You should have turned around and chewed them out grrrr.
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