Thursday, April 10, 2008


As some of you might have heard on the news, we had a tornado go through North Texas yesterday. Luckily we just had a broken tree limb at our house, but others lost their whole house, and the tornado went through just 5 miles from our house! It was the WILDEST thunderstorm I've ever experienced with lightning flashing NON STOP! I love storms, so it was incredible to listen to the rain and see the lightning. Our power was out for a while. But my heart goes out to those who had damage. I took this picture at work the next morning, b/c I thought it was interesting to represent the storm.

It was the leaf that was glued to the bottom left hand side of this trash bin. It was stuck on there with water from the storm and was just so out of place on this trash can, but that's what happened with the storm...things got thrown out of place. I figured I'd show a different effect of the storm instead of posting pictures of the homes that were destroyed. I like how the water kind of outlines the leaf.

Every day on my drive home, there's a median in the street that is FULL of wild flowers. It is so pretty, and I finally decided to stop today and get some pics. I love it that they are doing this all over the city and it makes my drive home so pretty and enjoyable.

Aren't they so pretty? I love the pop of red color among the purple and blue and green. I don't know of any other states that do this. Do y'all?

Then these were some bushes in bloom on the other side of the road. This reminds me of the primary song, Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree.

Can you see why spring is my favorite time of year?

Today for a snack I had this. I love mandarin oranges. And these mandarin orange pieces were BIG. As you can see, they were as long as my key. What a yummy and healthy snack in the middle of the day.

Then on the way home, I saw this sign which made me laugh b/c it's an oxymoron. It had the name of the doctor and phone # on it, so I had to crop that part out. But it just was funny to me.

Hope y'all had an interesting day today.


The Ball Family said...

That is so awesome that you can point out other effects of the storm besides the damage. Hope all is well.

kcwatson said...

I MISS the wild flowers! They are sparse this year in Austin due to our lack of rain. :(