Saturday, May 17, 2008

Goddess of Weeding

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I absolutely H.A.T.E weeding. Weeding in Utah isn't bad, b/c the weather is usually nice and the weeds aren't usually that bad. However, weeding in Texas is a whole different story. It's HOT, it's HUMID, there's BUGS all over, and the weeds are stubborn little boogers. I would rather scrub the bathroom floor with a toothbrush than to do weeding. Well, yesterday before my Dad went to work he said that the front flowerbeds were needing some weeding done, and the front of the house was always my spot to weed when I lived at home during the summers when I would come home from college. Yesterday afternoon Dad got home from work, and he has been really sick, but he changed his clothes and went outside to mow the lawn. I figured if he was going to mow the lawn while being sick that I had better get out and do my weeding. Autumn went out with us and found a feather duster in the garage and was carrying that around and dusting the driveway. LOL. Dad came to the front yard with the riding lawn mower and Autumn FREAKED OUT! So I put her on Grandpa's lap to ride around with him. I crawled under the trees and back under some bushes to start my weeding. I heard Autumn crying but figured she'd stop after a minute. Well, she didn't and it sounded like the crying was getting closer. I turned around to see where her and Grandpa were on the riding lawn mower, but Grandpa had had enough of her crying and put her down on the lawn. I looked over just in time to see her crawling through the bushes with snot running down her nose to get to me. Poor Little Bug! I had a little tarp I was sitting on and she came and sat by me and helped me pull weeds.

The weather yesterday wasn't too bad at all and we were in the shade. I was pleasantly surprised that there weren't any bugs flying around my head bothering me and the weeds only had shallow roots and came right up with just a little pull. I started out with gloves on my hands b/c I hate getting dirt under my nails, but I didn't even need the gloves. It was a great weeding experience and so today I decided that I was the Goddess of Weeding for even getting out there and doing it since it's usually something I hate.


Jamie said...

Lisa, it is funny you said all those things about weeding because growing up in Utah, weeding was fine,no big deal and actually one of my favorite chores I had to do. Out here in NC, I hate doing it! Now I realize why, there are more bugs and more weeds! So I am very proud of you for weeding.

I love your idea of being the goddess of something so now I am going to start thinking about what I am the goddess of. Today I am the Goddess of painting. I painted the trim in the hall and the Nursery and it was long and boring.

Kam Belly Soup said...

ok so i weeded the other day too, and although the weather was good the weeding sucked so bad. i feel like i didnt even make a dent. by the way i had no idea about lawson. tell me more.