Saturday, August 9, 2008

Nick got a car

Yes, you read that right. Our very own Nicholas Chase Charlie Brown Johnson the Juicy Dude Family Angel Boy got a new car today! He's taking driver's ed and is SO excited about having a new car for when he's ready to drive.

It's a pretty "sweet ride" as he puts it. I'm so happy and excited for him! I've teased him that he has to warn me when he's out on the road driving so I can make sure to steer clear of him (no pun intended)!

We spent the majority of the day out in the pool. We swam from about 10:00 to 3:00. It was fun to get some sun and then just relax in the shade.

Autumn & I left at 4:00 to go over to Steve's house (my boss). We had a "Yeah-we-made-it-through-the-summer" party. He grilled ribs (amazing), I brought pasta salad, and his wife made this scrumptious peach cheesecake. Autumn had fun playing w/ all the new toys and things that were around the house. From the look on her face, I think she's excited about this easel and markers.

She was getting restless, so we went outside in the backyard for a minute so she could run around. This warning label on the chair made me laugh, "This chair can only load 300 lbs/136 kg maximum. Please do not apply any loads over the above wt. or you may cause the chair broken & injure yourself." Um, I don't think an English major wrote this, do you?

When I got home, Lexie & Jon wanted to load up the bunk beds that Maggie gave them to take back to Austin in the truck. We had 2 little helpers that kept getting in the way. Luckily Uncle Nate was there to help save the day.

Dad, Autumn, and Andrew spent a good 30 minutes running around the island in the kitchen and trying to catch each other. Their laughter and excitement was so contagious, I couldn't help laughing along with them.

1 comment:

kcwatson said...

Yahoo...Nick is driving..Go Nick! Nice car too!