Yep, it's true. I am addicted to TV. I came to this realization yesterday when on the ride home from work Alison and I were talking about what plans we had for that night. I realized that every day on the way home my plans revolve around what is on TV that night. Here is my list:
Monday: Monday Night Football

I don't know if y'all watch this show, but I am ADDICTED to it! I am totally rooting for Heba on the orange team. As soon as I saw her, I knew that if her and I ever met, we would be good friends and just click, right off the bat. Who do you want to win?
Wednesday: Project Runway & Top Design
I am also ADDICTED to Project Runway. I can't believe that Jerrell got sent home last night and that rotten, meany pants, rude Kenley gets to go! I was really happy, though that Karto got to stay. I really like her designs. I'm pretty sure that Leann is going to win the whole thing, though. She is so amazing, but she needs to do something with her hair so she doesn't look so mousy. I do have to admit that I like how Kenley dresses and looks...she has this 40's/50's style about her.
I was so sad to see Wizit go home off Top Design last night. He is SO FUNNY and my favorite episode was when him and Kerry were paired up to do the store front window. I died laughing when Wizit was crying out for help b/c he couldn't hold the mirror and then Kerry said, "I was going to drop-kick him to Jesus. But, like a true Southern gentleman, I just smiled." Kerry and Wizit were for sure my favorites. I think it's so funny that Wizit can sing opera soprano music and actually sounds incredible doing it. I was impressed last night when he sang after getting kicked off. I do NOT like Nathan at all and really hope he doesn't win!
Thursday: Ugly Betty, Survivor (my Mom watches it), and Grey's Anatomy
I really want to get into watching Ugly Betty, and I've seen a few episodes over the last season, but it is on at the same time as Survivor, and my mom is obsessed w/ Survivor, so that's what we watch. I also love Grey's Anatomy, but have not been able to watch the new episodes this season b/c Autumn needs me or something has come up. I'll have to catch up on-line.
Friday: What Not To Wear
This show and Biggest Loser are probably my favorite shows. I just love Stacy & Clinton. I TOTALLY have taken their advice to heart

Saturday: Mickey Mouse Club House, My Friends Tigger and Pooh, & Handy Manny (in the morning for Autumn) and then College Football in the afternoon (GO BYU COUGARS)
Autumn LOVES MMCH, MFTP, and Handy Manny on the Disney Channel. I sing the songs to her in the car and she'll sit and dance in her little car seat...SO CUTE! Personally, I'm a fan of Little Einsteins. But either way, our Saturday mornings are filled with Disney Channel cartoons. Then in the afternoon we try to find the BYU games that are on. GO COUGS!
Sunday: Football & Army Wives
After coming home from church at 1:00 and then eating lunch, we usually have a football game on. It's nice to curl up in the recliner w/ a blanket and either take what we call a "Sacred Sunday Nap" or just watch a good football game. Then I go get in bed at 9:00 and watch Army Wives. I love that show, too!
I don't if there's a cure for TV-holics, but to be honest, I don't want one if there is!
I heart TV. Don't worry your not the only one with a problem. I am not looking for a cure either!
Its really bad when you get a TIVO don't do it. Because then you can watch shows faster and fit more in. NO Commercials for me.
I agree I love HEBA!!!! I cried last night for her and her hubby.
I am right there with you. I have at least one or two, (or more) shows each night. LOVE that Army Wives!
Aww thank you! We really enjoyed our summer there. It's too bad we won't be going back to Dallas this summer. :( I hope things are going well for ya. We watch a ton of tv too!
LOL! I don't watch tv very much, but Tuesday night's I'm there for BL!! :)
Books are: IF GOD LOVES ME, WHY THIS? by Kim A Nelson, BEING ENOUG by Chieko N. Okazaki, and there is a 3rd, but I can't find it-- I must have lent it out... but those can get you started!!
LISA!! How are you?? I miss you! Long time--no talk! I'm a TV-aholic too. I love so many people on The Biggest Loser, I'm not sure who I want to win yet. Enoch and I SUCK! We always eat junk food and watch it. ha ha ha ha.
I hate to say that my list is just as bad, maybe worse. I love tivo and hate it at the same time.
So I am a huge Projway fan and can't believe how much love-hated Kenley's clothes in her final runway show. I am glad with the final winner that felt like it was close between the last two.
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