This is totally one of my guilty pleasures, but I love to watch Army Wives on Sunday nights! It's my nice alone time, b/c Autumn is usually in bed by 9 when it starts,
and I can just lay in my bed in my PJ's and watch it. I was so sad that this Sunday was already the season finale! It seems like this season just started. I love how they show the actresses going and surprising real army wives and giving them cars, Vespa scooters, etc. My Dad was in the Army, so I totally relate to some of the issues that the wives, kids, and families have to deal with. We were lucky in that he was never sent overseas to be in a combat zone. I kind of miss being in the military and moving to new places and meeting new friends. My favorite place we lived was in Germany, and we still keep in touch with our German neighbors there. Anyways, is anyone else addicted to this show and sad that the season is over?

I am so sad that it is over also. It is a guilty pleasure of mine. I hope they are coming back for a season 3!
I've never seen it, but now I want bad the season's over!
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