Saturday, April 18, 2009

Busy Saturday

IMG_9614 Autumn was still wanting to wear her fancy shoes from yesterday.  I don’t know if this is her best look…high heels, a diaper, and a hair bow.  But, she was happy and had fun walking around the kitchen in them.  I guess she just didn’t get enough yesterday.

IMG_9615 Dad is so cute w/ Autumn & Andrew and he took them outside to feed Gigi and pick some weeds and water the garden.  When they came back in, they had brought Lexie & I some pretty flowers. (Notice that Autumn’s is no longer attached…she pulled it off the stem).  It was so sweet of them to bring us flowers.

IMG_9613 I left at 10:00 and went and got my nails done and then stopped at Market Street and got 3 of their Penne Dolcellata’s.  That has to be THE BEST pasta dish ever.  I love it so much I could drink the sauce w/ a straw.  Anyways, I had some of that and then left to go pick up Liz so we could go to the hospital to visit Don.  We took him a gift for all 5 of his senses:

Sight: The gray plaque above.  I read that quote in the Ensign one night and thought it applied to Don and his situation so well.  I had the vinyl lettering done by the lady at The Letter Factory.  She is AWESOME…I just emailed her the quote and told her the size I wanted and she had it ready the next day and mailed it the day after that.  I just got the tiles at Home Depot and the stands at Hobby Lobby.  I liked it so much, I made the one of the left for myself to go in the new house.   Just in case you can’t read it, here’s the quote:

Because you are so valuable, some of your trials severe.  You need never be discouraged or afraid.   The way through difficulties has always been prepared for you, and you will find it if you exercise faith.

~Elder Henry B. Eyring

Sound:  I made a CD of some of the songs we all used to listen to together along w/ some church songs.
Taste: I made him some snickerdoodle cookies, which are one of his favorites.
Smell: I took the Blue Volcano candle from Antropologie in for him to smell (don’t worry, we didn’t light it in the hospital).
Touch: Liz and I held his hand while we talked to him.

We got there and he is doing GREAT!  He was awake and talking a lot.  He was super funny, b/c he’s on so many pain killers, but he was cracking jokes left and right.  He is still in the rotating bed, but they are going to do surgery sometime next week to fix his broken ankle and put a back brace on him so he can hopefully sit up sometime after that.  The news station came to interview him, and you can see it here.  He did a great job and we are so glad he’s doing so well.

IMG_9632 I dropped Liz off at home and then came home to spend some time w/ Autumn.  She had been a stinker all day and needed some Mom time.  I was supposed to go to Sheila’s reception, but Autumn was being such a stinker that I wasn’t able to go! :(  But, we tried to have fun at home.  We went outside to play and went over to smell the pretty flowers.

IMG_9650 Then she & Andrew climbed the stairs on the hill in the backyard and had fun climbing up and down them about 2o times.  There were some cats back there from across the street at Curt’s and they had fun trying to chase the cats under the bushes.  They played so well together and I just LOVE this picture!

IMG_9656 After that, they went for a ride on the lawn mower w/ Dad.  They loved it and they almost fell asleep a few times.  When they would drive by, their heads would be bobbing.

IMG_9669 Autumn was naughty, so she was put into baby Texas jail. LOL!

IMG_9670 After all the playing and hard work in the yard, it was time for some push up popsicles.

IMG_9671 I can’t wait for the day when Autumn learns to push them up herself.  Until then, I’ll just have to keep helping her.

IMG_9674 She was proud to show off her green tongue.

IMG_9675 After having 2 popsicles, it was time for a bike race.  But, neither of them got very far w/ out Dad’s help b/c neither of them could reach the pedals.

IMG_9685 It was such a nice evening outside, so we sat out there and enjoyed it.  I told Lexie to make a sexy face and this is what she did.

IMG_9686 Then I told Nick to make a sexy face and this is what he did…looks like the Bitter Beer face to me.

IMG_9687 This was my sexy face, w/ bunny ears courtesy of Nick.

IMG_9689 Autumn’s sexy face was a complete mess.  She has this red rash on her cheeks, boogers in her nose, snot running down her nose, popsicle juice dribbling down her chin, and snickerdoodle cookies stuffed into her mouth.  She’s such a scuzz-wa-woo.

IMG_9694 But, she’s also the cutest scuzz-wa-woo ever.  She kept trying to wipe her snotty nose on me, but I finally got her to try and give me kisses instead.  I am so blessed to be the luckiest Mom ever.

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