Monday, June 15, 2009

Guess What I Did Tonight…

IMG_0462 Autumn & I came home from work/school and decided to break out some aprons Grandma Johnson made me. I found them while going through some boxes in my closet the other day.

IMG_0467 Autumn was so excited when I told her we were going to make cookies.  She loves to sit on the counter and “help” me make cookies.

IMG_0468 Her idea of “helping” is eating the dough off the beater.  She eats some and then wants me to give her more.  She cracks me up, and she’s a girl after my own heart.  The dough is the best part.

IMG_0469 I tried a new recipe, and the dough was amazing, but when I made the cookies (it says to chill the dough for one hour, which I didn’t have time to do) they were flat and didn’t turn out too pretty, but they still tasted amazing.

IMG_0472 Liz called and said that she and Liberty wanted to go out and see a movie.  So, I called Mom to see if she could come and sit w/ Autumn until Nick got home.  Dad came over and met her here and brought her Chipotle for dinner.  I left to go to the movies, which was SO NICE to get out.  We saw 17 Again.  It was a cute movie, but more than that it was just nice to go out w/ s0me friends.  It was a funny movie and we were laughing a lot, especially at the best friend.  He cracked me up.

I got there before Liz & Liberty did, so I just sat in the lobby while I waited for them.  I LOVE to people watch, and there were some INTERESTING people at the dollar movie at 9:30 at night.  I have never seen so many short shorts in one place in my life.  The best, though, was a girl that walked in wearing a bikini top (that you could totally see) underneath a tight and short pair of overalls.  I need to people watch more often…I find it fascinating.

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