Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun Friday

IMG_0916 Today was a great day.  I saw this on the way to work this morning and LOVE when the sun breaks through clouds and streams down like this.  It makes me think of how it will look at the Second Coming.  I am so thankful for amazing things like this in nature.  I really love and appreciate nature and all of its beauties and wonders.

Anyways, work was good.  Usually summers are horrendous, but the past few weeks haven’t been too bad as far as being swamped at work.  I was able to take a nap during my lunch break, which was so nice.  After work Autumn & I came home and just relaxed.  She always wants her bah bah when we get home, and she goes in her room and has about 15-2o minutes of down time.  It’s so nice for me to be able to unwind from the day as well.

I made spaghetti and cheesy bread for dinner.  Michael got here around 7:30.  We ate dinner and then watched Con Air.  Nicholas Cage is not my most favorite actor, although I really loved him in Family Man.  In Con Air, his accent is atrocious!  Autumn went to bed and Michael & I stayed up talking until 1 am.  I love our conversations, b/c we talk about all sorts of different things and the conversation never lags or is never awkward.  I’m excited for all the fun we’re going to have tomorrow!

1 comment:

Michael said...

So is our saying "Watched Con Air" now?