Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Papa Can Do No Wrong

IMG_0877 Tonight after work I went over to Mom & Dad’s so Dad could look at Autumn’s leg.  She has a little bug bite that is starting to get infected.  We had to do minor surgery on it.  We laid her down on the floor and I had to lay across her chest and hold down her arms.  Mom held her legs and Dad opened up the bug bite w/ a little needle and then he had to squeeze on it super hard to get out all the infection and crud that was in there.  Poor Autumn was screaming bloody murder, but it had to happen so it didn’t get more infected.  After we were all done, she was still sobbing but managed to get out in between sobs, “Dah-to, Papa” (thank you, Papa).  Even when he makes her hurt and cry she loves him.  He smoothed it all over w/ a push up popsicle.

IMG_0878 Then he sat and did puzzles w/ her on the floor and worked on counting and learning the letters of the alphabet.  He is so adorable w/ her and she loves him so much.  I’m so glad she has such a great father figure in her life.

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