This morning was a usual Saturday morning complete w/ Autumn “sleeping in” until 7:30. Then we watched the Disney Channel and she spent the morning covering up her babies w/ blankets or dish towels or scarves or pillow covers or whatever she could find. The living room looks like this most of the time.
We headed over to Mom & Dad’s to swim and enjoy the pool. It was 78 degrees, which is PERFECT b/c it’s not too cool but not too warm. After a few hours we had enough and came in to watch Ratatouille. I had both Autumn & Michael using me as a pillow.
At 1:00 Monzingos came over to swim and party b/c it’s Robert’s 5oth birthday. Look at this HUGE cake they got for him. It was super tasty, especially the butter cream frosting…YUM!
We watched Babes In Toyland (the one w/ Annette Funicello). I LOVE that movie b/c of the costumes and the dancing and the singing and it’s just really well done. It brings back memories from my childhood and is definitely a movie that I try to watch every year around Christmas time.
Here’s the whole Monzingo clan. Bobby even flew in from DC for just one day to be there to celebrate. They’re such a fun family and I’m so glad we know them and that they came over to swim and celebrate his 50th.
Around 3:30 we headed home to get showered and cleaned up. I was driving and heard Autumn start to fuss and get upset. I glanced back at her to see red all over her fingers and freaked out thinking she had somehow cut herself. I was about to pull over and see what was going on when she held up a red crayon in the other hand. Note to self…don’t leave crayons in the car in the middle of a hot Texas summer or you might have a major mess on your hands. At least it was just wax instead of blood!
We got cleaned up and then headed over to El Fenix to have dinner w/ Michael’s grandma and aunt. Autumn was super hyper b/c she had just gotten up from a nap. She refused to sit in her own chair, so she sat on my lap the whole time. She kept trying to wipe her nose on me and thought it was the funniest thing in the world. She’s such a little monkey. But, I would much rather have her be happy and silly self than be her mean and grouchy self.
We got the ticket and had to laugh b/c of our server’s name:
Pablo #7
Um, how many guys named Pablo do they have working there? Most of the time if there is more than one person w/ the same first name you would just call then Pablo G. and Pablo S. But, I guess there are so many that they have to use a # instead? LOL!
After we ate, we headed over to Michael’s “Mee Maw’s” house to sit and visit. Autumn’s diaper leaked and got all over my leg and on his Mee Maw’s couch! I was so embarrassed and felt so bad! That’s why she’s only wearing a diaper in this picture. But she LOVED being around the 2 dogs and had a great time. She warmed right up to Michael’s Mee Maw and even went over and sat on her lap.
Here’s Michael w/ his Aunt Shannon & Mee Maw. I love all of Michael’s family and extended family that I have met. They have been so good to Autumn & I. It just reminds me of how important good family relationships are. I have been truly blessed to have such great relationships w/ my family and extended family as well.
After a while, we headed home b/c Autumn needed to get to bed. We put her to bed and watched Hitch. That is a good movie, and it was especially fun watching it w/ Michael b/c he reminds me so much of Kevin James. I kept looking at him when something would happen that reminded me of him and he’d just roll his eyes.
1 comment:
aOMGosh....I think Michael looks like Kevin James,too. Plus he works at a package delivery place! Hmmmm....coincidence?
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