Today has been a day full of tasty treats, sweet surprises, and I am a LUCKY LADY! First of all, Nicole brought in the chocolate chip cookies on the right hand side. They were super good. Then, Steve came in and brought his OUT OF THIS WORLD cookies. I had about 8 of them, b/c they are that good. I told him he should sell them, b/c they are so incredible that people would pay money for them.
Michael came up to visit this weekend and got here around 2:30, so we went to lunch at Aboca’s. He was only able to eat 1/2 of his sandwich b/c the portions are so huge. He loved it and we enjoyed just sitting and talking and having time alone together.
(Don’t mind his hair…he had been wearing a hat all day).
He dropped me back off at work after lunch and went to the house to sleep until Autumn & I got home. He surprised both of us w/ a present! He got Autumn an Ariel doll that can go in the water. That way she can play w/ it in the pool. He also got her a cute little princess night light, and she LOVED both gifts. She refused to let go of the Ariel doll all night.
He brought me this new perfume. It’s Vera Wang Princess. I love the bottle b/c it’s a heart not to mention the top is a crown! It smells phenomenal and is for sure going to be my new signature scent. I love that Michael understands how much I love “smellies” and he always is wearing cologne that smells so fantastic.
Jason & Heather wanted to do something together tonight, so we drove over and met them at the mall. We put our name on the list for Cheesecake Factory and there was a 45 min wait, so we went and walked around the mall. They are having a sale at Bath & Body Works…7 antibacterial soaps for $20! AND…they had the big refills on sale for 50% off so I got the 2 big refill soaps on the left hand side for $3.50 each! You can’t beat that! I’m so excited about my new “smellies”.
It was finally our turn to be seated, so we headed back to the Cheesecake Factory. Michael & I were STILL full from the huge lunch we had, so we just shared a plate. The chicken and mashed potatoes were super scrumptious. Autumn ate some of the chicken and potatoes, but she wanted to eat all of the asparagus spears that came w/ the meal, too! We tried to get a picture of the 3 of us, but this is what we got…I’m the only normal one! Autumn was really well behaved and I was very proud of her.
Heather & Jason are such a cute couple and are so much fun to be with. Jason brings out a fun and crazy and wild side of Michael that I don’t usually get to see. When Jason & Michael are around each other, it’s guaranteed that we will all be laughing. Heather & Jason just found out they are having twin boys and I am so excited for them!
It was Jason’s birthday this week, so they brought him out this special plate w/ “Happy Birthday to you” written out on it in chocolate. They even had a candle on it for him to blow out. Michael & I got the lemon raspberry cream cheesecake and it was so fabulous.
Autumn wanted a turn at blowing out the candle and spent the rest of the night holding the candle and “blowing it out”. When we were getting ready to leave the house, she brought out this pink camouflage rain coat and insisted on wearing it, and she wore it the whole night! What a kid. She finds such joy in the littlest of things like wearing a rain coat, blowing out an unlit candle, and carrying around her Ariel doll.
It was a LOVELY evening and I am a LUCKY LADY to have had all of these fun things happen today. From the killer cookies to lunch w/ Michael to new perfume and soaps, and spending time w/ people I love. I am incredibly blessed.
1 comment:
I was just stopping by to tell you, you look SO amazing! SKINNY, TAN, BEAUTIFUL!! Autumn is so adorable I can't handle how old she is getting;) Sorry to chat once every 6 months...
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