Monday, August 17, 2009

Go Girl ~ August

IMG_1192“ Success doesn’t come to you.  You go to it!”

~Marva Collins
(American Educational Reformer)

I am SHOCKED that August is already more than half way over.  I swear that just a few weeks ago it was Easter and now the whole summer has already passed by and fall is coming and kids are going back to school next week!  How on Earth did that happen?  Time is just flying by WAAAAAAY to fast.  Does it seem that way for anyone else or is it just me?

Anyways, I like the quote for this month.  I feel like a lot of the time I just coast through life and feel like I am on auto pilot.  I do the same-old, same-old thing everyday…get up, get ready, get Autumn ready, drop her off at daycare, go to work, pick her up, come home, make dinner, eat, watch TV, spend a few hours w/ Autumn, go to bed, and do it all over the next day.  However, I also need to stop and take time to realize that I am the one that feels successful or not at the end of each day.

There are lots of little and important things that I can be successful at.  Too often I hear the word successful and think of big and huge accomplishments like getting a degree, losing 20 pounds, never losing my cool with Autumn, etc.  But, it doesn’t always have to be big huge things.  Often times, it’s the little things that count.

I can be successful in how I deal w/ upset customers at work.  I can be successful in bonding w/ Autumn and letting her know I love her.  I can be successful in knowing that I made a good meal and keep a nice clean house.  I can be successful in knowing that I am a valued daughter of God.  I can be successful in making others feel good about themselves.  I can be successful at updating my blog and documenting my life and recording my memories.  I can be successful at letting people know how much I love and appreciate them.

What are things that make you feel successful?

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