Tuesday, August 18, 2009

MY Mimi

IMG_1174 After I got Autumn & was driving home, Mom called and said they were having steak, corn, and Asian salad for dinner and asked if Autumn & I wanted to come over and eat with them.  Um, let me think about it…OK, if you twist my arm and make me we’ll come over!  We are so spoiled.  After dinner Autumn wanted to just unwind from the day and have a bottle.  Usually she has to get in her bed if she wants her “bah bah” but since we were over at Mom & Dad’s I told her she had to go sit on Mom’s lap.  Nate was being a stinker and wanted to tease Autumn so he got a bottle for himself and went and laid in Mom’s lap.  Autumn was NOT happy and was trying to take his bottle.

IMG_1175 Then look at her face in this picture…poor little Autumn.  She was NOT happy that she had to share Mom w/ Nate.  I guess I am going to be in BIG trouble when she has a brother/sister in the FAR distant future.  In the meantime she can just have Nathan around to tease her and make her feel like she’s not an only child.

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