Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lovely Weekend With Michael & Family

IMG_1149 Friday after work I went and picked up Autumn from daycare and we went home for a little bit so I could pack up our things and then we hit the road to go and visit Michael.  We got there and it was kind of late, so we just relaxed and watched a movie.  Saturday morning Autumn woke up at 6:30 and didn’t feel good.  She was burning up and then she threw up.  Michael got Autumn some medicine and Gatorade and fussed over her and made sure she was comfortable.  I think we watched Pocahontas about 7 times this weekend!  Anyways, we kept her hydrated w/ Gatorade and she took a long nap.  She’s so sweet looking when she’s asleep.

IMG_1151 After she woke up we played Buzz Quiz on PS3.  It is a lot of fun and Michael even gave Autumn her own controller (it didn’t have any batteries in it), but she didn’t know that and thought she was hot stuff b/c she got to “play” the game with us.

IMG_1152 Michael wasn’t feeling too good, and may have caught what Autumn had.  But, Autumn was feeling good that afternoon and so while Michael took a nap we went swimming at the pool w/ Krystina.  It had a big shallow end which was great so that Autumn could walk around w/ out having to hold onto me the whole time.  She had a blast.

IMG_1156 After that we went home and got cleaned up and Autumn took another little nap.  We got ready and headed over to Kobee’s, where we met up w/ Michael’s Mom, Dad, Sister, Sister’s boyfriend, Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, Grandma & Grandpa.  Poor Autumn wasn’t feeling too good even though we had given her some medicine so she just sat on my lap the whole time.

IMG_1162 It was so fun b/c it was one of those restaurants where they cook on the grill right in front of you.  They flip the food around and do all these cool tricks.  This was our fried rice before the chef mixed it all up.  At first it was just a heart shape and then he added the other stuff.  It was so cute.  Michael’s been there so many times that he knew the chef’s name and specifically requested him.  I’m glad he did b/c it was so cool and so much fun.

IMG_1163He started a fire in this onion that he stacked up and it looked like a smoking volcano.  It was awesome, and the food was SO GOOD.  Autumn did NOT like the fire, so we sat far away from the grill when he did that.  But, she did pretty good for the rest of it and we all had a good time.

IMG_1168 After we ate, we went back to Michael’s and changed into jammies and then went over to his Aunt & Uncle’s house to play games.  We played lots of games, but my favorite was Taboo and we played girls against guys and the guys beat us (barely) but we had a blast and were all laughing.  Autumn had a great time and warmed right up to Michael’s Mom & Aunt & cousins.  Michael’s Mom (Kim) brought Autumn a coloring book and box of new crayons.  Autumn thought she was “all that” and had so much fun.

We finally headed home around 10:30 so we could get some rest.  We got up at 9:15 Sunday morning, which is the latest I think Autumn has ever slept in.  We got cleaned up and then went to church w/ Michael’s Mom b/c his Aunt & Uncle and their family were giving talks.  They did a great job and it was great to see them again.  They were all so nice and accepting and loving towards Autumn & I.

After church we went home and had our leftovers from Kobee’s for lunch.  Autumn of course wanted to watch Pocahontas again.  We just relaxed and then after that we watched Sword & The Stone b/c that’s one of Michael’s favorites.  I had forgotten what a good movie that is.  My favorite part is the part where they turn into squirrels and the girl squirrels like Merlin & Arthur.

I didn’t want to leave, but knew we had to so we could get home and get unpacked and get ready for the week.  We had such a great weekend (except for Autumn being sick) and felt so welcomed and loved by Michael’s family.  I hope we can visit again sometime soon!

1 comment:

glenda said...

I'm impressed that you got a picture with Michael showing off his studly smile!