Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Go Girl ~ November

IMG_2046 “I still have my feet on the ground; I just wear better shoes.”

~Oprah Winfrey
(Talk show host, Businesswoman, Philanthropist)

I have always imagined that if I was a SAHM that I would watch Oprah everyday. There are some things that I really admire about her, especially how she uses her fame and fortune to help others and make their lives better. I also admire that she knows how to love life and tries to live it to the fullest. She has the best of both worlds as far as knowing what it’s like to struggle to get to where she’s at so she can truly appreciate all she has now.

Today I read one of the most touching posts I’ve read in a long while. It really touched my soul and is something I will never forget. It made me think of this quote that I’ve heard before:

“Always be kind, because everyone you meet is fighting a battle.”

It literally made me cry reading what she wrote. She has such an amazing way of wording everything. I wish I had the talent of expressing how I feel through words like Krista does. Thank you, Krista for sharing that.

It got me to thinking about what I can do to focus on being “hallowed” instead of “hollow.” There was a show on Oprah about women stepping outside of the box and being daring and Hillary Swank was on the show talking about the new movie she’s in, “Amelia.” It also gave me food for thought about who I am as a person. It’s so great to have all these things come into my life that are causing me to do some deep introspection.

1 comment:

Krista said...

You're so kind, Lisa Marie. I'm continually inspired by your drive to do what's best for your family and look on the bright side of life. Your daughter is so blessed to have a mother with unconquerable courage.

I feel similarly to how you felt watching House Hunters International. I miss Allen and Fairview and the people there so much. My heart especially aches around the Christmas season - I wish we could come caroling to your family and enjoy the friendship and warmth in your home. I remember one year, my family was feeling sick around the holidays, but your family invited us over to feed us and brighten up our week. We absolutely love your family and treasure your friendship. So serve up some delicious Blue Bell and enjoy Texas double for me. :D