Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mission Mamas

IMG_1341 This morning was just nice and relaxing.  We got up and had breakfast and watched Disney Channel.  I also worked on my glass pendant necklaces.  Then we got cleaned up and Mom took Autumn & I up to Jonesy’s (& Brenner) house.  We spent a few hours just talking and laughing and catching up on each other’s lives.  It was so fun to let our three little girls play together.  Autumn LOVED having lots of fun new toys to play with.  She especially enjoyed riding this little pink motorcycle around.  I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of the three little girls together.  The other two girls are so cute and have bright big blue eyes and blonde hair.

IMG_1342 We were getting hungry after a while, so we went out to eat at Iggy’s Sports Bar.  We had excellent seats right in front of the HUGE flat screen TV.  Too bad we weren’t interested in the game and just sat and laughed and talked the whole time.  It was so fun to be together again and have a GNO (Girl’s Night Out) just like we used to do.  It seemed as if I hadn’t really been gone for 2 years and that it had only been 2 weeks since we last got together.  those types of friends are the best…the kind where you can just pick right back up where you left off as if no time has passed at all.

IMG_1344 After eating, we went back to the house and I looked at some pictures of Slovenija while Jonesy and Brenner put their girls to bed.  Jonesy showed me this Slovene hymn book, which was so neat to see, b/c when I was in Slovenija on my mission we just had photocopies of songs to use, nothing fancy like this.  I just held it and looked at it and missed Slovenija and all the people there.  I am so happy they have a hymn book.

IMG_1345 It wouldn’t be a JBJ (Jonesy, Brenner, Johnson) GNO w/out some sort of treat.  So, Jonesy had all the ingredients there for us to make some turtle type candy.  She found it on someone’s blog and on that blog it said something like, “When I make this candy, in just 10 minutes I can satisfy my sweet tooth, salty tongue and fat a@# all at once.”  We laughed so hard at that, b/c it’s so true.  These things were ADDICITING and we ate the whole pan by the time the night was through.  All you do is put a layer of pretzels out on a pan, and then you put a Rolo candy in the middle of the pretzel.  You bake them at 350 for 3 minutes and then while those are baking you toast up some walnuts or pecans or almonds (we used almonds) on the stove.  When the 3 minutes is up, you take them out of the oven and put a nut in the middle of each Rolo candy.  They are so scrumptious.  Autumn was being a good little helper and unwrapped the Rolos for us.

IMG_1348 Jonesy had this adorable little chair and foot rest for her little girl, but since Saige was in bed, Autumn decided to use it.  You would have thought she was the queen of the castle by getting to sit in her own special chair w/ her feet propped up and all cozied up in a blanket while drinking a bottle.

IMG_1350 This picture just makes me smile.  Brenner said she would paint Autumn’s toenails and Autumn thought that was the greatest thing ever.

IMG_1351 She got one painted pink, one purple, one pink, one purple, etc.  She felt like a true pampered princess w/ all the attention and love she was getting from Brenner & Jonesy.

IMG_1352 We topped off the evening by watching The Holiday.  I had such a wonderful time and I can’t even express how much I love and appreciate these two!  They have been there for me through some of my worst and best times and we’re all still incredibly close.  When I think of true and lasting friendship, I think of Brenner & Jonesy.  I can’t wait for our next GNO!

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