Sunday, January 24, 2010

An Evening With Papa

IMG_2754 This evening after we took our after church naps, we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  I was in the mood for brownies, so I brought a box mix over and made some.  We served them up warm w/ a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.  And on mine, I poured some maraschino cherry juice over my brownie.  I LOVE maraschino cherries.  Dad & I were watching football when we noticed it was too quiet and Autumn was no where around, which usually means trouble.  We found her over in the kitchen sneaking pieces of brownie.  She is so spoiled that Dad brought the brownies in the living room and was feeding them to her straight out of the pan! 

IMG_2757 He sure has become more laid back and relaxed now that he’s a Papa, b/c he would have NEVER allowed us kids to eat in the living room…let a lone feeding us straight out of the pan!  He even thought it was funny when Autumn kept opening her mouth to show us her chewed up brownies.  We would have gotten in so much trouble if we had done that as kids!

IMG_2760 Not 30 minutes later, Autumn was sitting on his lap again but this time Papa wasn’t sharing brownies, he was sharing green olives w/ pimento in the middle…NASTY!!!  But, she loved them and ate half the bowl.

IMG_2761 After chowing down on brownies and green olives (sick), it was time to read books.  Dad said he would read to Autumn but she insisted on reading to him.  She’s such a Little Miss Independent.  I love watching her and Dad interact.  They are so good for each other.

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