Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BIG(gest Loser) Surprises

IMG_5138 Today after work, Autumn & I went over to Mom & Dad’s house to see the progress of the demolition to the kitchen.  I was SHOCKED when I walked in.  Everything is GONE!  The cabinets, the sink, the stove, the oven, the fridge, the desk…EVERYTHING!

IMG_5140 The only thing still standing is the wall of the bar.  And there is also nothing in the dining room.  Everything is in the living room or formal living room.  They also scraped all the popcorn stuff off the ceiling in the living room.  This is quite the project and it’s going to look great when it’s done.


IMG_5147 Autumn found a broom and wanted to help “clean” the room.  When we first walked in, she was a little weirded out by how different everything looked.

IMG_5149 Since we didn’t have anything to cook with or on, Mom ordered Chinese food and we ate off paper plates.  We ate on the floor in the hallway so we didn’t spill on the carpet.  It was like a fun little impromptu picnic.

IMG_5155 I got another BIG surprise in the mail tonight, which is perfect since the Biggest Loser was on.  This is a t-shirt that Courtney got for me (Koli is in her ward at church).  It’s a gray team shirt and I was literally jumping around the room w/ joy.  It’s only a size medium, which is just incentive to lose some weight so I don’t look like a sausage stuffed into a casing when I wear it.  LOL!

IMG_5158 I L.O.V.E that it has a cool tribal looking tattoo thing on the arm of the shirt.

IMG_5157 But, the best feature is that she got it signed by Koli (on the left) and Sam (on the right).  I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to wash this shirt for fear that the signatures will fade away.  But, I’ll make sure to wear it every Tuesday when I watch the Biggest Loser.  I soooooo hope that Sam & Koli make it to the final four.  I know Sam is taken b/c he’s dating Stephanie from the purple team (and I’m betting he’s going to propose to her at the finale) and from what I hear, Koli is dating Sunshine from the yellow team.  But, maybe they have some big, buff, and brown cousins I could date???  I’ll have to ask Courtney to look into it for me!



kcwatson said...

about your parent's kitchen....WHOA!!! Can't wait to see finished product.

Anonymous said...

That T-shirt is so cool!! I just hear Koli was LDS... is Sam, too? Go gray team!

Sloane said...

Lol about the shirt. You do not look like a stuffed sausage in it.

FYI, we all know that those reality showmances never last. You may have a chance yet. ;)

The Probert Family said...

I LOOOVE the shirt. We love the gray team and I always have thought that you and Koli should get married.

Think about it.