Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dinner & Dessert

IMG_5161 Tonight we had Mom & Dad come over for dinner b/c their house is all torn up and Mom doesn’t have a kitchen so we figured they would enjoy some home cooking.  I did one of my favorite recipes…Tex Mex crockpot chicken.  It’s SO FAST and SO EASY and SO HEALTHY.  We just ate it over rice.  Then Autumn wanted a popsicle so I got one for her & one for Dad.  She decided that she wanted to try both of them even though they were the same flavor.  What’s hers is hers and what’s Dad’s is hers, too!

IMG_5163 Here they are showing off their matching blue tongues like two peas in a pod.

IMG_5164 After they left, we watched TV for a little bit and then at 8:00 we went & met Karri & Stephanie & Rachel for our visiting teaching get together.  We got some frozen yogurt and then just sat and talked.  While we were there, a little kid knocked a table over onto himself and broke the glass top of it off the base.  The parents were mad and wanted to see the surveillance video to see if they could sue the yogurt place!  I thought that was a little over the top of them b/c obviously their kid was doing something they shouldn’t have been to knock a big heavy glass table over.  Anyways, I was glad Autumn is well-behaved and just sat on my lap the whole time instead of running around like a monkey.  She ate her cup of yogurt and then wanted some more.  Since Rachel & Stephanie went and got more, I got her some more too.  It was a fun evening out w/ the girls.

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