Friday, April 30, 2010

Displaced & Disjointed

IMG_5185 After work/school today, we went over to Mom & Dad’s to see the progress on the house.  This is what we saw when we walked into the living room in the back quarters…a bunch of boxes all over w/ various pots and pans and spices and dishes full of the contents of the now-gone-kitchen cupboards.  Autumn got her own little special chair (a step stool) set up next to the pink recliner and Mom & Autumn were sitting there together watching the big flat screen TV which is now in its temporary location on top of the hutch.

IMG_5186 Here is what the formal living room/dining room look like.  Everything is in the dining room and there is plastic all over on the floor.  It’s kind of weird to have Mom & Dad’s home all torn apart.

IMG_5188 The biggest shock though, was when I walked into Mom & Dad’s room.  This is a picture of their bed, which is covered in plastic and plaster from the guys scraping the popcorn stuff off the ceiling.  There was plastic covering all of the furniture and windows and there was even some scaffolding set up in there.

IMG_5192 Mom had gotten some penne dolcellata for dinner and I thought I had died and gone to heaven b/c I haven’t had it in a while.  It’s so creamy and delicious and fabulous.

IMG_5194 Of course Autumn wanted to try some of Papa’s, but not any of mine, which was fine by me.  Autumn has such expensive taste and has learned to enjoy the finer things in life.

IMG_5201 After dinner, Autumn & Dad went outside to sit on the driveway and watch Ray (the firefly from Princess and the Frog) and his friends light up under the trees next to the driveway.  Autumn kept saying, “the bad guy no step on Ray.  That not nice.”

IMG_5205Once it got dark outside and the mosquitoes started coming out in full force, they were finally forced inside.  We all just sat on the floor and strained our necks to look up at the TV on top of the hutch.  Autumn went and found a “book” to “read” about different type of faucets to put in the kitchen.  We muted the TV so we could hear her making up words and reading to an invisible person.  It was a fantastic Friday night.

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