Thursday, April 29, 2010

Scare At The Baseball Game

IMG_5165 Tonight after work, I rushed home and Kylie came over to watch Autumn while I went to the baseball game.  Liz & Liberty came as my “date”.  We got to be in the suite and they had some super good food like hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza and chicken fingers along w/ some chips and salsa and drinks.

IMG_5171 I went outside and was sitting on the balcony watching the game.  After a few innings, I got up to go back in the suite and get a drink and I looked up just in time to see Daisy (the baseball team’s mascot) in the suite and someone was talking to her and pointing at me.  I FREAKED out and hopped over the little fence that divided us from the suite next door and pushed little kids out of the way all while saying, “HE_ _ NO!!!”  The people in that suite weren’t sure what to think and just looked at me like I was an alien.  I went and stood against the door to their suite so the mascot couldn’t come around through the hall.  One of the ladies in the suite was trying to tell me it was ok and said, “You just need to face your fears.  My son made me hold a snake.”  And then she took my picture, so who knows…maybe she has a blog and maybe she’ll blog about how some crazy lady broke into their suite. 

Once the adrenalin started to wear off and I realized the mascot was gone, tears started to form in my eyes of their own free will and suddenly my cheeks were wet as the tears found their way to the bottom of my chin.  It was such a foreign feeling to have no control over my emotions.  In my mind, I know that it’s just a person in a silly costume, but there was nothing I could do to stop the rush of emotions.  I started sobbing and left and went to the bathroom and finally got a hold of myself.  I looked in the mirror and had to laugh at how incredibly ridiculous my phobia is and how puffy and red my eyes were.

IMG_5167 I finally calmed down and went back to join the group.  I was told that no one was telling Daisy to come out and scare me, she had come into the suite and was pretending to scold everyone for watching Survivor on the TV instead of being outside watching the game and was trying to shoo everyone outside.  We had such a fun group there and missed everyone that we had invited that wasn’t able to come.  The game was good and people kept going back and forth from watching the baseball game to watching the Mavericks game.  One of the baseball players hit the ball so hard that he broke the bat in half.  That was really cool to see half the bat go flying into the infield while the batter took off running the other way.  We finally left at the bottom of the 8th inning b/c it was 9:45 and I needed to get Kylie home and felt so bad that I kept her out so late on a school night.

So, other than me freaking out and having my phobia come out in full force, it was a great and fun night.  I am so thankful to be surrounded by such educated and loving and happy and outgoing and incredible people.  I am truly blessed beyond belief.

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