Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby Bunny Beauty

IMG_2594 Curt made some major progress w/ the cabinets in the kitchen yesterday.  It’s starting to come together and Mom’s hoping and praying that it will all be finished before he leaves to pick up Scott from his mission in Indonesia!

IMG_2595 This morning while Christine & I were working the doorbell rang and it was Nate.  He said he had something he had caught in the box that he wanted to show us.  I peeked over the edge very cautiously and carefully b/c I was sure it must be a big hairy spider or else a snake.  But to my pleasant surprise it was six baby bunnies!

IMG_5463 Dad went & picked Autumn up from daycare so she could see the  baby bunnies.  Then he & Autumn & Mom all came over to my house and we had salad & spaghetti & garlic bread & salmon (Nate wanted the salmon).  Autumn LOVED being around the baby bunnies and getting to hold them and kiss them and pet them (we had to keep reminding her to be SOFT w/ the bunnies).

IMG_5469 Rabbits have been my favorite animal since I can remember.  So I was LOVING being able to snuggle on these sweet baby bunnies, who were small enough to fit into the palm of one of my hands.  I put this one up on my shoulder and just rubbed my cheek against it’s soft and fluffy fur.  I was in 7th heaven!  We couldn’t keep them, though b/c we’re never home, so Christine came over and picked them up so her kids could take care of them.

Autumn was SO UPSET when Christine took the bunnies.  She started crying big old crocodile tears and choking out between sobs, “My bunnies!  I need my baby bunnies.”  I was finally able to console her by telling her the baby bunnies needed to go back to their Mama b/c their Mama missed them.

IMG_5497 Dad’s shoulder is all wet in this picture b/c he spent about 45 minutes under my kitchen sink installing the old faucet from their sink.  Mine was really hard to turn from one sink to the other, so I was more than happy to take their old one, b/c it is super nice compared to mine.  I was helping Dad install the new faucet and got a GREAT gift idea for Father’s Day coming up.  Autumn is obsessed w/ yogurt (she pronounces it orgre) lately and was being nice & sharing some w/ Papa.

We spent the rest of the evening just vegging out and watching Survivor and America’s Funniest Home Videos.  I also needed to use up some evaporated milk I had in the fridge, so I made the most delectable fudge.  YUM!

I had a 2nd job interview today and hope this will be something that can work out.  I really like the owners of the company and it seems like a great opportunity.  We’ll see what develops!

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