Friday, May 21, 2010

Doughnuts From Dad

IMG_5522 Lately we’ve been sleeping in until 7:30, but this morning there was a knock on the door at 7:08.  It was Dad and he had brought us a treat…doughnuts from Max’s, which are out-of-this-world good.  I was worried that Autumn was going to be a stinker this morning b/c she was up late last night, but Dad diffused the disaster w/ doughnuts (how’s that for alliteration for you).

I went to my first full day at my new job today and it went by pretty fast.  I only took 5 phone calls, but was able to set up 2 leads, which is good.  I also got to go to lunch w/ Liz b/c I only work one exit down the highway from her!  We went to “our” old place, Amigos.  It was SO GOOD to see her again and just sit and talk and catch up w/ each other.  It’s been so hard going from getting to see her everyday to only seeing her once a week (or so).

I went back to work and then got to leave at 4:30.  I went and got Autumn Bottom and we came home and had dinner w/ Mom & Dad at our house.  I had put some southwest chicken in the crockpot before leaving for work this morning, and Mom came over and made some rice and cabbage.  It was super tasty.  We sat and talked and watched TV and then they had to go home to their house b/c the plumber was coming over to hook up the sink and dishwasher.

Now we’re sitting here watching Pocahontas (Autumn’s choice).  It’s funny b/c she’s been quoting part of the movie and singing along w/ the songs.  Do you think that’s a sign that she’s watched it one too many times?  I guess not, b/c when I was just a little bit older than her I could quote the whole entire movie of Annie.

I am going to try and take more pictures b/c someone (Mom) has complained that my blog is too “wordy” now and needs more pictures and less text.  I plan on taking a TON of pictures in a few weeks when Autumn & I get to have some special visitors come stay w/ us for a few days.

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