Friday, May 7, 2010

Incredible Women

Today I spent the day working for Christine, which I am so thankful to do.  I am so impressed w/ what an incredible woman she is.  Her home is gorgeous, it’s clean, and it’s decorated impeccably.  Not only that, she has 7 kids and runs a successful business and is gorgeous.  Someday I want to grow up to be like her.

On my lunch break, I watched THIS video, which I highly recommend watching w/ a box of kleenex next to you.  I had big tears just streaming down my cheeks.  It was so touching to see how the simple and everyday things like making lunches and going on walks and playing in the snow mean so much to NieNie.  She makes me want to be a better mother and wife (someday) and person all together.  Her courage and faith could move mountains.

IMG_5308Another woman that I love and admire is Liz.  She stopped by after work today to say hi.  She brought Lola with her.  I had made some spinach & cheese quiche for dinner, but I didn’t thaw the spinach and squeeze out the extra moisture, so it never set up.  So, Liz & Autumn had push up popsicles for dinner.  It was so funny to see them eating their popsicles together.

IMG_5309 Autumn took her hair out of the weed I had it in for school and kept flipping it all over.  Liz asked Autumn if she could fix her hair pretty, so Autumn ran into my bathroom and got a comb and elastic.  Liz would go to try and gather Autumn’s hair into a ponytail and Autumn would start laughing and jumping b/c she thought it was so funny.  Liz finally got her to hold still long enough to put her hair in a messy braid.

IMG_5316 After Liz did Autumn’s hair, it was Autumn’s turn to do her hair.  Liz said she has a hard head and so it wouldn’t hurt if Autumn pulled on her hair, but Autumn gets a vice grip when she tries to put your hair into a pony tail.  Poor Liz sat and endured it for a little bit until she couldn’t take it anymore.

IMG_5319 Then she ended up just putting it in a rockin 80’s side ponytail.  I told Autumn & Liz to show off their new haird0s and smile.  They’re so cute!

IMG_5322 She left to go home to go on a hot dinner date w/ Liberty.  After she left, we tried to salvage what we could of the spinach quiche to eat for dinner.  It was 8:30 by this time, so I went and put Autumn in bed and had just turned on the TV to see what was on when Dad & Mom stopped by to say hi, so Autumn got sprung from her bed…lucky little stinker.  She had Papa read her Mulan book to her.  He kept trying to read it, but she just wanted to flip the pages fast and look at the pictures.

IMG_5327 I thought she had eaten enough at dinner, but she told Papa she wanted some “ogre,” which translated from Autumn talk into English means, “yogurt.”  I’m pretty sure she has to the the most spoiled rotten little cutie that ever lived.  After they stayed and talked and laughed for a while (and watched one of the NBA playoff games), it was time for bed.

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