Thursday, May 6, 2010

A New Start & Italian Food

Happy Cinco de Mayo to everyone yesterday.  I spent the majority of my day over at Curt & Mary’s using the internet since Mom & Dad’s room (where the internet connection is) is being painted and I don’t have internet at my house.  Then when their internet kept crashing, I went over to Mom & Dad’s to watch Oprah, which I haven’t gotten the chance to do in a long time.  Dad went & picked up Autumn from daycare and came home and got cleaned up and then we all went to dinner at Cheddar’s.  I LOVE that place b/c the food is not very expensive and it’s really fresh and good and the portions are huge.  Dad even splurged and got a Cookie Monster for all of us to share.  I was surprised at how hungry Autumn was.  She ate 1/2 of Mom’s battered shrimp, 1/2 of my broccoli and carrots, and then 1/3 of the cookie monster!

We came home and watched Modern Family (I LOVE that show, especially Cameron).  I wish he lived next door to me so we could be best friends.  The actor that plays him is straight in real life.  Liz called to see if she and Liberty could come over to say hi.  I can’t even begin to describe how thankful I am for their friendship.  They even brought Lola over as a fun surprise.  I sent her home w/ a plate of fudge to take to work tomorrow to share w/ all the girls.

IMG_2587 Today I went and worked for a good family friend that needs some help w/ her real estate business.  I left at 11:30 to go to a lunch interview, which went pretty well but I don’t know yet if it’s something I am looking for.  I’ll have to look into it a little more and find out more about the job.  I went and got Autumn Bottom from daycare and Mom called to invite us to eat dinner w/ them at Napoli’s, our favorite Italian restaurant.  Nate went and did the physical test for special ops in the Air Force today and passed.  We are so proud of him!

IMG_2589 After we ate our food and were getting ready to leave, Dad noticed Autumn standing by this little candy machine.  He got some quarters from Mom and handed one to Autumn & gave the rest to some other little kids that were in the restaurant.  I was joking w/ him and saying he can’t just offer money to little kids or they might yell out, “Stranger danger!”  I told these kids Mom’s that he was a pediatrician, and not some scary old man and they just laughed and said they weren’t worried about it.  Mom & I were also laughing about the fact that Dad would NEVER in a million years have done that for us kids if we had asked for some candy.  He would have said, “You don’t need it.  Go get in the car.”  I guess grandkids get their own special set of rules and are lucky that people tend to soften the older they get.

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