Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stalking The Stork

IMG_5433 Today I went & worked for Christine in the morning and then she didn’t need me for the afternoon so I went over to Mom & Dad’s to use the internet.  I left at 3:30 to go pick up Autumn from daycare and Mom went to WalMart to get a few things for dinner tonight.  She came over to my house and we made tacos.  We make a great cooking team.  I cooked the meat and she fried the corn tortilla shells (which were so soft and fresh by the way).  Then after a while Dad came over after a meeting he had at work.  Autumn’s fingernails were getting long, so I bribed her to let me cut them by telling her we would paint them after.  She had Papa blow on her pretty nails to get them to dry faster (can you say SPOILED ROTTEN)?  Look at that little smile she has on her face.

IMG_5443 It was warm today but there was a nice breeze that helped counteract the 70% humidity, so Dad & Autumn & I went on a walk (Mom refused to come b/c it was too humid and she wanted to stay in the air-conditioned house).  We walked around the duck pond and saw this really cool stork (or maybe it’s a crane or some other type of bird???).  We thought it was really cool looking, and you might have to click on the picture to see it better but it had this really cool long blue feather that started on top of it’s head and went down its back.

IMG_5441 I LOVED this picture of Autumn just leaning against the tree watching the stork in the distance and thinking about moving closer but not getting too close so it won’t fly away.

IMG_5450 Dad & Autumn walked a little further ahead from me b/c there were 13 baby ducks following their Mama near this little bridge thing.  She was so excited to see the baby ducks and wanted to go down and see them closer, but they went under the bridge.

IMG_5453 Autumn LOVES to run, and Dad was saying I should start teaching her how to dribble a basketball so she can start working on her coordination and maybe play basketball when she’s older b/c she’s such a fast runner.

IMG_5454 I was able to get some great pictures on our walk.  I wanted to get some action shots of Autumn running (and I wanted to get in some exercise), so I kept running after her and telling her I was going to “get her.”  She grabbed Dad’s hand and said, “Come on, Papa!  RUN!”  It makes me smile to see her looking over her shoulder w/ a little grin on her face.

IMG_5455 She was worried I would catch up to them, so she stopped right in front of Dad and said, “Carry me, Papa!”  So, he picked her up and started running w/ her while I chased them.  Her hair was just flowing in the wind and it made me laugh b/c she kept saying, “Go faster, Papa!  She coming!”

IMG_5460 We walked all the way around the duck ponds and then headed home.  Autumn enlisted Dad’s help in holding part of Ariel’s hair while she held the other part so that she could brush it and make it look pretty.  She is such a jabber jaws lately, which makes me happy b/c I was worried for a while there that she wasn’t ever going to talk.  I still can’t understand her 1/2 the time, but at least she’s saying something!

IMG_5461 We watched TV for a while and just vegged and relaxed.  I looked over to see Dad still holding Ariel’s hair (this was 10 minutes after the previous picture) and Autumn was leaning back on Mom’s legs w/ her legs propped up on the couch while being cradled inside the crook of Dad’s arm.  It was a great and relaxing afternoon/evening.

1 comment:

Charlotta-love said...

Man...her hair is LONG. It seriously is blowing in the wind. She's beautiful!