Friday, June 25, 2010

Bad Then Good Then Bleh

This morning started out bad. Jason sent a text at 2:00 am that said, “Nite.” REALLY? There is no need to send random text messages ESPECIALLY at 2 am! Usually I just roll my eyes and delete the text, but the reason it annoyed me so much is that it woke Autumn up and she wouldn’t go back to sleep until 3:30! UGH!

Anyways, 7:30 came awfully early after losing an hour and a half of sleep. And Autumn was a little stinker b/c she was so tired. We didn’t have any milk this morning to eat our cereal, but I had a coupon for a free breakfast item at Chick Fil’A, so we stopped by there on the way to school to get something to eat. I got Autumn a sausage biscuit and handed it to her to eat in the car on the way to school and she dropped it on the floor b/c it was a little warm! UGH!

IMG_2719Anyways, we salvaged the part that didn’t touch the ground and I dropped her off and then went to work. It was pretty slow today. After work, I went and got Autumn bug and we went over to Mom & Dad’s. Mom & Nick had gone to see the new Karate Kid and stopped and got Chipotle for dinner. It was so good and hit the spot, b/c I had been having a hanerkin’ for Chipotle. We watched TV for a little bit and then Mom wanted to go over to Maggie’s to borrow some edited movies. Maggie made us margaritas (virgin of course), which was nice. But, I’m not a big fan of the salt around the rim of the glass. It was so fun to just sit and visit and have a mini-girls night.

IMG_2728 After we picked out some movies, we came home and Autumn and Dad wanted to swim. I just sat out there and watched them and took pictures and a few videos. Autumn was being a good helper and giving Emma a drink of nasty chlorinated pool water, but it was so hot outside that Emma didn’t care and drank it up.

IMG_2737 This picture doesn’t do it justice, but the sunset was stunning tonight w/ bright hues of pink. We ended up watching one of the edited movies from Maggie, Slumdog Millionaire. I did not like it very much. I HATED the part where they had that kid sing, drugged him and then made him blind so he could earn more money panhandling! Definitely not a movie that I ever care to see again.

So, the day started horribly, had a great middle and an average ending. But, I got to spend time w/ my family and some friends, which is always a GOOD thing!

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