Thursday, August 26, 2010

No, No, No, Nate!

Today at work I learned how to drive the fork lift! We had a shipment come in and I was the only person here, so I kind of had no choice. Lucikly the truck driver that was dropping off the shipment was really nice and helped walk me through a lot of how to do it. Together we unloaded two huge crates and I didn't drop them! WOOT! WOOT! I was proud (but not in a bad way) of myself for going outside of my comfort zone and learning something new.

IMG_3017 Last night we went over to Mom & Dad’s b/c Mom said she had some hamburger meat that we needed to use. Luckily, it was good hamburger meat (not the kind Dad tried to feed us). I am SO GLAD Mom is back home. Anyways, we used our Foreman Grill and cooked up hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner. Autumn is SO SPOILED and had ice cream, applesauce (being fed by Papa), chips, and juice for dinner.

IMG_3018 We stayed over there kind of late, b/c we wanted to watch the show about Air Force Pararescuemen on the Discovery channel at 9:00. Autumn had fun brushing Mimi’s hair. However, Mimi did not have fun watching the show b/c she kept freaking out, especially the part where one of the guys blacks out in the pool and has to be taken out of the program only to start it all over again! She kept saying she couldn’t breathe and was super stressed even though she was just sitting on the couch watching it. It really is crazy intense and I will be really worried for Nathan (if he makes it that far).

Also, just found this blog with the most ADORABLE aprons. I would LOVE it if Autumn & I could win those. Can you even imagine how cute we would be wearing those while we make our brownies.

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