A few weeks ago when I went to Ross, I found some AWESOME little notebooks for just $2.99. I didn’t buy the notebook I wanted back then, but w/ my trip to Slovenija coming up I wanted to have something to record my thoughts and comings and goings, especially since I might not be able to blog (GASP) and want to remember every little thing that happens. I couldn’t decide between these two notebooks. I was immediately drawn to the one on the right b/c of the black and white. But then I loved the quote on the one on the left. It seems like the perfect theme for my vacation. Which one do you like the best?
“In the time of your life, LIVE”
~William Shakespeare
Autumn & I went over to Mom & Dad’s for dinner, but before Dad & Autumn went out to grill the steaks, they went around to all of the neighbors’ houses and put away all of their trash cans. Dad is such an incredible example of service.
We had these to die for rib-eye steaks (which Mom got for a great bargain at Kroger)for dinner along with twice baked potatoes. They were super juicy and perfectly cooked, so good job Dad & Autumn. While we were eating Mom said, “I’m pretty sure you are the most well-fed single Mom ever.” I agreed whole heartedly and then after thinking for a few seconds she said, “Well, maybe Elin Woods is a more well-fed single Mom.” That made us all laugh. But, she is so right in the fact that I am blessed beyond belief (and maybe a
little lot spoiled rotten).
This morning when I was doing Autumn’s hair, she said she wanted us to have the same hair. So, I did my hair like hers and she was thrilled beyond belief that we got to have the same hairdo. You can’t really see it very well in this picture, but I did a left side part and just twisted the hair on either side and into the back.
Here’s a better view of our hair from the back. I felt like it looked a little bit too Medieval Fair, especially w/ my curly hair. But Autumn loved it, so I was happy to sport my Medieval Times hairdo for her.
A lady at Ross today had on some awesome earrings so I stopped her and told her how cute they were and asked her where she got them. I should NOT have done that! She said she bought them at a jewelry store where almost everything is just $1 (they don’t have a website, sorry…otherwise I would definitely be posting a link to it)!!! So, Autumn & I just HAD to go and check it out. I was blown away, but was really proud of myself for not going crazy (I am trying to be frugal so I can save up for my trip). I let Autumn pick out ONE thing (hey, it’s only $1 so why not) and she picked this really cute necklace that had multi-colored hearts around a circle of diamonds in the middle. What can I say…the girl has great taste (she must get that from her Mom)! When I told her she looked like a beautiful princess she just BEAMED with pride and joy.
I had to call Lexie the second we walked out of the store to tell her about it and that we would FOR SURE be visiting the store again when she comes to visit in a few weeks. Since I was taking pictures of the stuff I got tonight, I decided to get a picture of these necklace/earring sets I got at Sam Moons last week when Autumn & I went. I love all three of these for different reasons and they all just screamed my name. I’m such a sucker for (cheap) jewelry!
I know there’s a horrible glare on the table, but here is a picture of what I got. that purple (it looks blue in this picture but it’s purple) necklace in the upper left hand corner w/ the flower is for Lexie since she loves purple (I told her I’d post a picture of what I got her on my blog b/c it was so stinkin’ cute and she was excited to see what it looked like). It’s dangerous to know that all this great jewelry is just a few minutes from my house! I’ll have to exercise a LOT of self control.
Anyways, after our little girly shopping excursion, Autumn & I came home so I could do some laundry (since she & I only have one pair of clean undies each). She played with her toys while I got some cleaning and laundry done. Then she wanted to look at everything we got (I love show & tell) and I love that SHE loves show & tell, too. She would pick up each piece so carefully and look at it and touch it very carefully and then smile at me and say, “Dis look so pwetty, Mama.” She’s definitely a girl after my own heart. I’m glad we found some Babe-a-licious Bargains today!
I personally like the notebook with the tree and the quote! :)
I vote the black and white one!
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