Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Carving Pumpkins With Papa

IMG_3261 Today after work/school, we had to stop at Wally World to get some groceries.  Autumn is having a Halloween Party at daycare tomorrow and we had signed up to bring chips.  I also needed some more frozen meals to keep at work so I eat those (which are usually $2 each) instead of going out to eat, and that way save a lot of money.  We also got some Red Baron pizzas to make for dinner b/c they were on sale (they weren’t that good by the way).  Autumn picked a pumpkin (in the bottom left hand corner of the cart) that was lopsided, but she loved it and didn’t want to get a bigger or better one.  She had fun “hiding” in the cart.

IMG_3262 We walked by the Halloween aisle and she wanted to go see the big spider.  I took her over there and all of a sudden she wasn’t as brave (notice her hunched down in the cart not looking at the spider).  But, when I asked her if she wanted to walk under the spider she was all for it and thought it was so fun and kept wanting to do it over and over.  I’m sure that teenage employee thought we were crazy, but we didn’t care and had a good time.

IMG_3264 We came over to Mom & Dad’s and cooked the pizza and ate dinner w/ Nick (Mom & Dad were gone to the movies).  While at WalMart, we found a big box of vanilla pudding that already had Oreo cookies in it for just $1.  We also got a bag of gummy worms for just $1 as well.  We came home and made some “dirt” w/ worms in it.

IMG_3266 Mom & Dad were going to see another movie, but when I told Dad that Autumn wanted to carve her pumpkin, they came home.  Do you think she has him wrapped around her little finger?  I think so!  She wanted to draw a face on her pumpkin, so I let her draw on the back of it.  Dad thought it was cute and cut out the small eyes and nose and mouth that she had drawn.  That was so cute of him to do, b/c I wouldn’t have even thought of that and making her feel special.

IMG_3269 Then he helped her draw a bigger face on the front of the pumpkin.  He taught me a good lesson tonight just through his example.  I would never have let her draw it w/out me hodling her hand, b/c I would have wanted it to be traditional w/ triangle eyes and the typical mouth.  But Dad let her be creative and do her own thing.  And for heaven’s sake…it’s just a pumpkin so who cares if it’s not done the “right” way.

IMG_3271 I love this little look on her face when I asked her if she was so happy Papa let her draw the face.  She was trying not to smile, but she couldn’t keep a smile off of her face for long.  She kept wanting to help Dad carve the pumpkin but we had to remind her to just watch and not touch so she didn’t get cut on accident.

IMG_3273 Here’s her pumpkin all lit up w/ a candle.  You might notice the green glow stick to the side of the pumpkin.  We tried putting that in the pumpkin instead of a candle, but it didn’t light it up inside very much.

IMG_3276I am so glad that Dad was willing to carve the pumpkin, b/c I hate carving pumpkins.  They are messy (although this one didn’t have very many “guts” inside of it), they are hard to cut into, they go bad fast in this hot Texas weather, etc.  But, I am happy that Autumn wanted to do one so we could get into the spirit of Halloween.  We’re spoiled to have Papa around to do the icky jobs we don’t want to.  He’s so good to us.

After the pumpkin was done and we watched Biggest Loser, Dad & Autumn drove over to the car shop in the Durango w/ me so I could drop off my car to have it looked at.  It smells hot after I drive it, but I checked the oil and the antifreeze and neither of them was leaking and my car has 127,000 miles on it, so I decided to have it looked at.  Then I drove back home w/ them in the Durango and Dad let me use the Durango while my car is in the shop and he will drive the truck.  I don’t know what on Earth I would do w/out Dad & Mom.  They are SO GOOD to Autumn & I!

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