Sunday, December 12, 2010

Miss Claus

IMG_9947 Church today was good.  My class was a little rowdy and kept talking about the party last night and how much fun they had.  I am glad we were able to do that and that they enjoyed themselves.  After church, Autumn & I came home and had left over pizza for lunch.  She was being clingy while I was having Nick take a picture, and kept laying her head on my shoulder to hide behind my hair.  This was the best one we could get.

IMG_9949 She is obsessed w/ this Miss Claus dress and always wants to wear it.  During the week as soon as we get home from daycare, she wants me to put it on her.  Then she of course wanted to wear it to church today.  I love it when she’ll sit still and let me do her hair, b/c it looks so cute.

IMG_9952 She was being silly and kept pulling all these funny faces when I was trying to get a picture of her.  Even though she was being a little ham for the camera she’s such a cutie.  Lately she’s been saying the phrase, “bye bye, sweetie pie” a lot and I kept wondering where she got that from b/c I haven’t ever said to her before.  I finally figured out it’s on the Barbie Swan Lake DVD that Mary let us borrow.  Isn’t it funny what kids pick up on?

IMG_9959 After a while, we went over to Mom & Dad’s to see what they were up to.  Mom had a roast and carrots and potatoes and gravy in the oven, so we had that for dinner when Dad got home.  We just had a nice and relaxing Sunday afternoon of watching TV and football and spending time together.  Autumn loves the Christmas tree and the ornaments and the train.  This is going to be a really fun and exciting Christmas b/c both Autumn & Andrew are old enough to understand what Christmas is.  I keep having to tell Autumn we’re celebrating Baby Jesus’ birth, not Santa Claus & presents.  Lately at night when we say prayers before she goes to bed she’s been saying, “and thank thee for Baby Jesus was born.”  Too cute!

1 comment:


I love her Miss Clause dress...SO CUTE!! I can't wait to get up there next week & love on her, oh yeah & you guys too!!! Just kidding! =)