Thursday, January 13, 2011

4:00 am

IMG_3531What did your Thursday at 4:00 am look like?  This is what mine looked like.  Poor little Autumn Bottom started getting a little cough yesterday and overnight it got worse.  She came and got in bed with me and at 4:00 we both woke up b/c she was coughing so much.  She felt a little feverish, so I gave her some Tylenol and then had her do a breathing treatment.

Thank goodness the Disney channel had some animated shows on like Handy Manny at 4:00 am.  Autumn & I watched some shows while she had her treatment and then we fell asleep again around 5:00.  I was worried she would get a small fever at school, so when I dropped her off I told them to call me if she was feeling sick.  I was surprised, but they never called and I went and picked her up at the end of the day like usual.

We went to Mom & Dad’s house for dinner (Mom made turkey schnitzel served over brown rice) and it was so good.  We watched Wipe Out and I was laughing so hard quite a few times.  What is it about seeing people get hurt that makes me laugh?  There was one girl that got bent in half the wrong way and they kept showing it over and over and I couldn’t watch that w/ out letting out a little yell.  I kept wondering how cold the water really is.

Anyways, we came home b/c Nick was hungry and Mom sent some food for him.  It was 8:30 and I was so tired that I put Autumn to bed and then climbed in my bed and lotioned my arms & legs w/ my Brown Sugar & Fig lotion I got at Bath & Body Works for only $3.  I watched a little TV and then was out like a light from being up at 4:00 am.  I sure hope Autumn Bottom gets feeling better soon.

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