Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Icicles & Hot Chocolate

IMG_3527This evening after I got off work, Autumn & I stopped at our house to check the mail and Autumn wanted to wear her sparkly church dress.  Nick was home, so I told him to come with us over to Mom & Dad’s for dinner.  We were walking in the back door at Mom & Dad’s and saw these HUGE icicles that had formed from all the melted snow.

IMG_3528 Nick took them down so they wouldn’t fall and kill someone.  He was surprised at how heavy and massive they were.

IMG_3529 He kind of looks like Zeus (from the Disney version of Hercules) when he hurls his thunderbolts at the Titans.  LOL!

IMG_3530We had dinner and then Nick was making himself some hot chocolate.  Mom had brought me back a HUGE can of Stephen’s hot chocolate from when she was in Utah and I noticed that it’s already 1/2 gone!  I told Nick to use the Nesquick stuff b/c he doesn’t even taste anything he just swallows it in one gulp.  He said he doesn’t like it as much as the Stephen’s, so I decided to do a little taste test.  I made up a cup of both and then blindfolded him to see which on he liked better.  Unfortunately, he likes the Stephen’s more but that might be b/c I made them both with water when you’re supposed to make the Nesquick with milk.  Maybe I can still talk him out of using Stephen’s so it will last a little longer.  Tee hee hee.

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