Monday, January 24, 2011

Bachelor Babes

IMG_3602 Today I left work and went and got my nails done b/c the nail on my pointer finger on my right hand cracked a few days ago.  Mom was wonderful and went and got Autumn from daycare for me.  They went to McDonald’s for dinner so Autumn could run around and play.  But, Mom said she just sat and played w/ her toy and never really went and played on the playground.  When I got there, I went to order my food and Autumn wanted a “pink drink”, so I got her one.

IMG_3603 After we ate, we went home and I gave her a bath and then I let her watch a Dora movie that Nick got her for her birthday while I made brownies.  Then I put her to bed and went over to Christine’s house to watch The Bachelor (don’t worry, Nick was home with her).  Christine wasn’t there yet b/c she had a meeting, so we just sat and talked for a while.  I said we had to get a picture b/c we never take pictures of our weekly get together.  As usual, we had a great time commenting on the show and talking and laughing.  It’s nice to have a group of friends where everyone just clicks and meshes together really well.  Good times.

IMG_3604When we all finally left at 11:45, I had to go to WalMart b/c my toilet is clogged.  I don’t know if Autumn put too much toilet paper down there or what, but it just wouldn’t flush and I had to get a plunger.  I also got some needed groceries and some little tupperware containers to organize a cabinet in my kitchen.  There are some INTERSTING people at WalMart at 12:30 am, and I was at the small neighborhood WalMart, not even the big Super WalMart.  There was a girl in crazy short shorts where her butt cheeks were hanging out, a 20 something year old guy walking around in a bathrobe and slippers, just to name a few.  As I was leaving, I had to get a picture of this cool display they had at the front of the store.  It’s made entirely out of boxes of soda.  As soon as I got home and my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.  It was 1:30 am after all!

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