Sunday, January 23, 2011

Manly Jell-O & Bows

IMG_1037 Sacrament today was a little different than usual.  First of all, Autumn started doing the potty dance during the sacrament and I asked her if she could hold it for 1 minute b/c they were passing around the water, but she said she couldn’t wait, so we got up and I took her to the bathroom.  Then, after we came back, she was just coloring in one of her coloring books and all of a sudden I noticed she had blood on her teeth!  I took her to the bathroom again and I guess she had somehow got a little cut on her upper lip and it was bleeding a lot.  We finally got the bleeding to stop and she went and got a drink to rinse the blood taste out of her mouth and then we went back in to the meeting.  She was completely fine after that.

She still doesn’t like going into Primary until Sis. Stiles gets there and insists that I stay with her until Sis. Stiles is sitting down and then after that she’ll let me leave to go teach my class.  Hopefully she’ll grow out of that soon.  We came home from church and Mom had made a huge roast w/ gravy and carrots and potatoes.  Nicole, Pam’s daughter-in-law also ate with us b/c she was there to pick up Colton.

IMG_1038 After we ate, we got all the dishes cleaned up and then Lexie & Jon & Andrew & Pam all packed up to head home.  Nicole and Colton also left.  We had Autumn & Andrew give each other a hug and a kiss before Andrew left.  I’m so glad they are such cute cousins and get along so well (most of the time).  It was odd for the house to be so quiet after a weekend of company and partying.

IMG_1041 Dad got home from being backup at the clinic and had some dinner and then got out the manly Jell-o for him and Autumn to share.  It’s funny, b/c while Mom was making it, Autumn noticed the 3 cans of mandarin oranges sitting on the counter and kept wanting to have some.  Mom tried explaining to Autumn a few times that if she would be patient, she could eat them in her Jell-o.  Autumn seemed to understand, but as soon as Mom poured them into the Jell-o water, Autumn wanted some Jell-o.  So then Mom had to explain to her that it has to set up in the fridge for a few hours.  Autumn did NOT understand that part and kept wanting to know why she couldn’t have some Jell-o right now.  She was really happy when Papa got home and the Jell-o was set up so she could have some.

IMG_1043 After having some Jell-o, she sat next to him on the couch and within a few minutes was asleep.  And she just didn’t fall asleep leaning on him, she put her head down on his arm and fell asleep like this.  Such a cute little bug.  She is getting so big!


While we were sitting and watching the playoff games, I decided to make some baby bows for Claudia.  She is having a little girl in a few weeks and had asked me to get her some bows so she can put them on her baby’s head when the baby is born.  Claudia said they don’t have bows to put on baby’s heads in Slovenija and she really wants her baby to have them.  I tried getting some online, but they were always out, so I decided to just make some.  I know they’re all different sizes but they’ll still work just fine.  Anyways, I logged into my Facebook page to get the address that I need to send them to only to find that Claudia just had her baby!  Dang it…Tiara came 18 days early and I was too late in getting my bows sent to her.  But, I’ll still send them anyways and hopefully Claudia can use them.  That’s what I get for procrastinating.

I wasn’t really rooting for any of the teams that are in the playoffs.  But, since I kind of know #99 Brett Keisel, I cheered for the Steelers.  Brett’s sister, Peggy, used to be married to my Uncle Stacy (the brother just younger than my Dad).  And, I met Keisel a few times when I was at BYU and he was playing for the Y.  He came over to Grandma & Grandpa Johnson’s a few times for Sunday dinner.  I remember he was really tall and ate a lot and didn’t talk very much.

Halfway through the game, I realized that the Steelers were going to win and a light bulb went off in my head that maybe Stacy could get Super Bowl tickets from Brett and we could fly Uncle Stacy down and he and Mom & Dad could all go to the game.  So, Mom called Uncle Stacy and he said he could try and see about getting us tickets.  And, since Uncle Stacy has never visited us here, Dad said we should fly him down even if he can or can’t get Super Bowl tickets!  It will be fun to have Uncle Stacy here to visit.  Mom & I were giddy w/ excitement at the thought of even having a remote chance of going to the Super Bowl, especially since nose-bleed seats are $3,300 and good seats are $8,000 each!  We’ll keep our fingers crossed that Uncle Stacy can get tickets.

1 comment:

tara said...

My hubby is a huge Cowboys fan and would love to see the new stadium. If you get to go ,you've got to take tons of pics and post them so I can show him! Hope you get to go.