Monday, January 31, 2011

Bachelor & Baby Hungry

IMG_3613 Not much happened at work today.  I am trying to finish the Book of Mormon by Saturday and I still have about 200 pages to go.  So, if I read 50 pages a day I should be fine.  After work, I got Autumn and we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Mom had made grilled chicken and Rice-a-roni and cabbage.  Autumn had two plates of cabbage b/c she loves it so much.  We just hung out and watched TV and then I took Autumn home at 8:45 so she could go to bed.  I watched Pretty Little Liars until Nick got home at 10:15 and then I rushed over to Christine’s to watch The Bachelor.

I took a bunch of the cookies I had made to share with everyone (and so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat them all).  We had a couple extra people there this time, which we all loved.  Ashley & Jordan & baby Avery were there.  I got to hold Avery and feed him his bottle.  I thought it would help curb my baby hunger, but it made it worse.  He’s so cute and just made me want another baby even more.

 IMG_3611Last night Jordan went over to Mom & Dad’s house so Dad could stitch up his finger.  He cut it w/ an exact-o knife and Dad numbed the area and had to go through his fingernail to stitch it up!  SO GROSS!  Jordan said it was cool to watch, b/c the needle went through his nail as if it were as soft as butter.  EWW!  Anyways, I finally left at 11:20 and when I got home, Nick was watching Whose Line Is It Anyways, so I stayed up with him and watched another episode b/c it’s so funny.  As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I was really hoping for an EWW button to check on your post. That finger is so gross.