Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sandy Sunday

IMG_1117 We got up this morning and I gave Autumn a bath so she would be a “smell good Johnson” and not a “stink bug Johnson”.  Then we got ready for church and headed out the door.  Church was good and we had fast Sunday b/c next week is Stake Conference.  During the 3rd hour, we had a special Relief Society meeting that they wanted all of the women to attend, so someone in the Elder’s quorum sat w/ my class in Primary.  It was SO NICE to be in Relief Society w/ all the women and to feel the Spirit and hear all the good comments they had to share.

Sis. Santos, the Relief Society President, talked about visiting teaching and usually I don’t like the visiting teaching type talks but she did a really great job and talked about how visiting teaching can open doors and she brought different door handles to use as an object lesson.  Then Bro. Bass, who is awesome, started by asking what are some of the titles we as women have.  We all laughed b/c there are so many and he told us to just shout some out.  Some of the ones given were chef, chauffer, counselor, maid, teacher, detective, friend, child care specialist, etc.  We all got a good chuckle out of that and then he read in Moses how the Lord shows Moses all the creations of the world and calls him “Son of God (vs 4 & 6)”.  Not soon after that, Satan shows up and calls Moses “Son of Man (vs 12).”  Bro. Bass wanted us to remember that of all the titles we have, the most important one we have as women is that we are “Daughters of God” and there are so many things in the world that try to make us forget that and feel like we aren’t good enough.  But we always need to remember how important and special we are to our Heavenly Father.  It was very touching and made me tear up.

IMG_1119 After church, we came home and changed clothes so we could go over to Mom & Dad’s for dinner.  Mom had made Wanton Salad and it was SOOO GOOOD!  It was lite and fresh and just hit the spot.  I had 3 helpings of it b/c it was so tasty.

IMG_1121 Once Autumn finished eating her lunch, we went outside to play b/c she had brought her pink Princess ball and frisbee that she got for her birthday.  We kicked the ball around and chased after it.  Then I showed her how to roll it up the slide and that it would come rolling back to her.  We tried throwing the frisbee around but she was being stubborn and wouldn’t let me show her how to throw it, so that didn’t last for long.

IMG_1124 She had so much fun running around in her new shoes that help her fun faster and jump higher.  She picked out and dressed herself, by the way, after we got home from church.  That’s why she’s wearing a red shirt w/ hot pink pants.  But she looks cute no matter what.

IMG_1130 We went inside for a while to relax and then she wanted to go back outside and play in the sand box.  I went back in the house to get my camera and a blanket, b/c it was windy outside and I was only wearing a t-shirt and capris.  When I came back out, she was sitting at the picnic table w/ big huge crocodile tears running down her cheeks.  I asked her what was wrong and she thought I wasn’t going to come back out to play w/ her.  It broke my heart and made me glad I was choosing to spend time with her instead of watching TV

IMG_1132 She looked so cute just playing in the sand box and I took some pictures to try out some different things with my lenses.  I just love her to pieces.

IMG_1133 She found this phone in the sand box and was pretending to call Papa to tell him to come home and play with her.

IMG_1136 We only stayed out there for about 45 minutes b/c the sun had gone behind the house and it was getting windy and cold in the shade.  But we had a great time just putting sand in the buckets and then dumping them out and doing it all over again and again.

IMG_1137We finally headed home so I could put Autumn to bed and then I was in the mood for some of Steve’s Out Of This World Cookies.  But, I halved the recipe b/c it makes so much.  I didn’t have any milk chocolate chips, I just had some mini semi-sweet ones from when I used them for eyes and the smile on Autumn’s snowman treats for school.  They worked just fine and still tasted super good.  I love it when the house is nice and warm and smells like baking cookies.  I ate some cookies and watched The Real Housewives Of Atlanta finale.  It’s one of my guilty pleasures.

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