Friday, January 28, 2011

Cool Cars

I didn’t take any pictures yesterday b/c I accidentally left my little point and click camera at home.  I left work at 4:30 and drove to the temple so I could go to the 5:00 session.  It was a small but good session and then as soon as that was over, I did another session at 7:00.  It was our Stake Temple Day and our ward was asked to attend the 7:00 session, so it was fun to be in that session with a bunch of people from the ward.  As soon as it was over, I left so I could get home to Autumn.  Mom had gone and picked her up for me and brought her over to my house so she could play with her toys and be home so she could go to bed in case it got too late.

Dad stopped by after work to see Autumn and I finally got home at 9:30.  Autumn was still awake b/c she couldn’t stand that Mom & Dad were here having fun without her.  Mom & Dad went home and I finally got Autumn to bed.  I’ve never been to 2 sessions in one day, so it was nice to do that tonight and as usual, I couldn’t have done it without Mom & Dad.  They are so incredibly good to Autumn & I.

This morning Dad stopped by with some doughnut holes for Autumn.  He was so giddy and I asked him why.  He said it’s b/c he got a call last night that his car would be ready today after 11:00.  Mom called me at 1:30 to say they were going to pick up the car and I told her to stop by my office since it was just one exit away to show me the new car.  They didn’t know how long it would take and Dad had to be to work so they said they would stop by if they had time.

IMG_1049 I was sitting at my desk when I looked out the window to see this fancy car pull into the parking lot and I knew it had to be the new Grand Sport Corvette that Dad got.  He has been test driving Corvettes, Porsches, and Jaguars.  But, he did his homework and decided this was the car he wanted.  I like how it looks like it has gills on the side of it…it reminds me of a shark.

IMG_1051 I sat in it and do not like it.  I feel like it’s way too close to the ground and felt like I was driving a low rider b/c I was laying back so much.  Also, you can’t see the front of the car, which I don’t like b/c then it’s a lot easier to rear end someone.  Mom said it’s way too loud and it doesn’t ride smooth.  So, Dad doesn’t ever have to worry about Mom or I wanting to drive his fancy car.

IMG_1055 However, I am THRILLED for Dad and that he gets to fulfill a life long dream that he’s had since he was a little boy of having a nice sports car.  It looks super fancy and I absolutely love the color (super sonic blue) and have never seen a car that color before.  It’s funny to see Dad so giddy about something.

DSC01025 IMG_1060I was trying to decide what to do with my car since I am driving the Durango now and some friends suggested to put it on Craigslist and try to sell it.  So, I listed it for $1,800 and put that it burned oil and that the brake light was on.  Right way, I got a bunch of calls and told people to come look at it tonight.  As soon as I got off work, I got Autumn and we stopped at our house so I could get the title and then we went over to Mom & Dad’s where my car was so I could vacuum it out and get all my stuff out of it.

I was honestly a little sad to think that it might sell, b/c this car has been with me through a lot of major life changes over the past 6 years.  I remember the day that Rufio went with me to buy my car.  I remember putting Autumn’s car seat in it for the first time.  I remember stopping at a gas station to clean it after getting married b/c people decorated it and you couldn’t see out the windows.  I remember driving back to Texas with Mom & Autumn after filing for divorce.  I remember driving Autumn to her first day of daycare and crying on my way to work.  This has been a great car.

DSC01027Here it another picture of my car on the day that I bought it as well.  Yes, I put those stickers on it the day I bought it.  Little did I know at the time how different my life would be 6 years later.

IMG_1056 As you can see, my car has been through a lot, just like me.  It sat out in the Utah winters and weathered the blistering Texas heat.  Anyways, of all the people that said they were going to come look at my car, only one group showed up.  It was 3 Hispanic brothers and 2 of the brothers test drove the car while the other stayed and talked with me.  He is a Senior in high school and wanted a car to get to and from college where he’s going to start classes.  They got back from test driving the car and said they wanted to buy it.  They asked the lowest I would go and I said $1,500 and they said they were willing to pay $1,400 so I told them it was a deal but no lower than that.  I had them sign a Bill of Sale and gave them the title and off they went.  I’m so glad that I was able to sell it and can put that money in savings.  It’s a bittersweet end to an era.

IMG_1063 I came in from selling the car and couldn’t find Autumn.  She was laying under the coffee table watching Dora the Explorer.  She’s such a funny little bug.  Mom made Thai Chicken & Sugar Snap Peas and added some broccoli and zucchini just to get some more veggies in our diet.  It was really good.

IMG_1065 Dad got home from work and Autumn wanted to see the “Core-bet”.  She was so concerned when Dad gave us the Durango where he would put all of her treats.  When he would get home from work he would tell her that he had a treat for her in the Durango.  So, we’ve been telling her that her treats will be in the Corvette.  When she went out and saw it and we told her there was a treat in the Corvette, she started jumping up and down with excitement.

IMG_1068She thought she was fancy stuff when she got to sit in the seat next to Papa.  Dad took me for a drive and when we got out on a straight away in the road, he hit the gas and we were going 80 mph in less than 5 seconds.  I let out a scream b/c it surprised me how fast we accelerated.  It felt like being on a roller coaster ride when it starts going fast.  I was pushed backwards into my seat by the G-forces.  It was a total adrenaline rush.

Mom had rented some Red Box movies and we watched one of them tonight.  It was called Flipped and was a really cute movie about coming of age.  I was a little surprised at how many curse words they said, so it’s definitely not for little kids.  When the movie was over, I looked the clock thinking it was about 8:30 and it was 10:15!  So, I packed Autumn up and we went home and went to bed.

1 comment:

Charlotta-love said...

I sold my car of Craigslist even after I listed all the things wrong with it. Craigslist is the place to post cars!